Conceptual metonymy : methodological, theoretical, and descriptive issues



Conceptual metonymy : methodological, theoretical, and descriptive issues

edited by Olga Blanco-Carrión, Antonio Barcelona, Rossella Pannain

(Human cognitive processing, v. 60)

J. Benjamins Pub., c2018

  • : hb

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



The volume addresses a number of closely connected methodological, descriptive, and theoretical issues in the study of metonymy, and includes a series of case studies broadening our knowledge of the functioning of metonymy. As regards the methodological and descriptive issues, the book exhibits a unique feature in metonymy literature: the discussion of the structure of a detailed, web-based metonymy database (especially its entry model), and the descriptive criteria to be applied in its completion. The theoretical discussion contributes important challenging insights on several metonymy-related topics such as contingency, source prominence, "complex target", source-target contrast / asymmetry, conceptual integration, hierarchies, triggers, de-personalization and de-roling, and many others. The case studies deal with the role of metonymy in morphology, monoclausal if only constructions, emotional categories, and iconicity in English and other languages, including one sign language. Beside cognitive linguists, especially metonymy researchers, the book should appeal to researchers in A.I., sign language, rhetoric, lexicography, and communication.

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