Landscapes of time-frequency analysis



Landscapes of time-frequency analysis

Paolo Boggiatto ... [et al.], editors

(Applied and numerical harmonic analysis / series editor, John J. Benedetto, v. 91)

Birkhäuser , Springer Nature, c2019

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



"The first international conference Aspects of Time-Frequency Analysis "ATFA17" took place during 57 June 2017 at the Politecnico di Torino"--Preface

Includes bibliographic references



The chapters in this volume are based on talks given at the inaugural Aspects of Time-Frequency Analysis conference held in Turin, Italy from July 5-7, 2017, which brought together experts in harmonic analysis and its applications. New connections between different but related areas were presented in the context of time-frequency analysis, encouraging future research and collaborations. Some of the topics covered include: Abstract harmonic analysis, Numerical harmonic analysis, Sampling theory, Compressed sensing, Mathematical signal processing, Pseudodifferential operators, and Applications of harmonic analysis to quantum mechanics. Landscapes of Time-Frequency Analysis will be of particular interest to researchers and advanced students working in time-frequency analysis and other related areas of harmonic analysis.


On the probabilistic Cauchy theory for nonlinear dispersive PDEs.- Endpoint results for Fourier integral operators on noncompact symmetric spaces.- Weak-type estimates for the metaplectic representation restricted to the shearing and dilation subgroup of SL(2, ).- On the Atomic Decomposition of Coorbit Spaces with Non-Integrable Kernel.- On the Purity and Entropy of Mixed Gaussian States.- On the continuity of -Wigner pseudodifferential operators.- Gabor expansions of signals: Computational aspects and open questions.- Lp continuity and microlocal properties for pseudodifferential operators.-Hyperbolic wavelet frames and multiresolution in the weighted Bergman spaces.- Infinite order pseudo-differential operators.- New progress on weighted Trudinger-Moser and Gagliardo-Nirenberg, and critical Hardy inequalities on stratified groups.- Continuity properties of multilinear localization operators on modulation spaces.- Semi-continuous convolution estimates on weakly periodic Lebesgue spaces.- Almost Diagonalization of Pseudodifferential Operators.

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