Avoiding the middle-income trap in Asia : the role of trade, manufacturing, and finance
Avoiding the middle-income trap in Asia : the role of trade, manufacturing, and finance
Asian Development Bank Institute, 2018
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Since many policymakers aspire to pull their countries out of the middle-income trap and into the ranks of high-income countries, they must understand the factors that hinder or support the transition. This book defines the middle-income trap and examines the roles of manufacturing, finance, and trade openness in achieving sustainable development. The book also explores the role of government policy in fostering growth in the People's Republic of China. A common theme is that such policies may have unforeseen side effects that undermine their effectiveness, including how the hukou registration system and land-use policy control the pace of urbanization.
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