The Wiley handbook of gender equity in higher education
The Wiley handbook of gender equity in higher education
(Wiley handbooks in education)
Wiley Blackwell, 2021
- : hardback
並立書誌 全1件
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全9件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Research into gender equity in higher education, inspiring action
With this enlightening handbook, you can review the thinking of leading researchers on the current intersection of gender and higher education. The Wiley Handbook of Gender Equity in Higher Education provides an in-depth look at education's complicated relationships with, and in some cases inadequate fostering of, gender equity. The collection offers a bold picture of research into the subject. It also projects future paths of exploration, inquiry, and action for gender equity.
Focuses specifically on gender and higher education across the globe, setting the stage for new explorations
Examines gender equity in relation to the STEM fields
Considers current male participation in higher education
Covers gender segregation by major and the issue of women remaining in lower-paying areas
The Wiley Handbook of Gender Equity in Higher Education spotlights the continuing and integral role of educational institutions in the struggle for gender equity. Policy makers, university administrators, and researchers can look to this handbook for perspective on recent research as they move forward in the pursuit of more equitable educational environments.
List of Figures and Tables x
List of Contributors xii
Introduction 1
Marcus B. Weaver-Hightower and Nancy S. Niemi
Part I The Higher Education Corporation and Its Gender Implications 5
1 Unpacking the "Female Advantage" in the Career and Economic Impacts of College 7
Tiffani M. Williams and Gregory C. Wolniak
2 Women's Leadership in Higher Education: Addressing Glass Ceilings and Sticky Floors 29
Jolyn E. Dahlvig and Karen A. Longman
3 Gender, Digital Literacies, and Higher Education: Examinations of Equity 53
Corrine M. Wickens and Tracy Miller
4 Gender, Neoliberalism, and Corporatized Higher Education 69
Penny Jane Burke
5 Governing Boards and Their Relationship to Gender Issues in Higher Education 91
Paul G. Rubin, Erin B. Ciarimboli, and Lindsay B. Coco
6 Gender Inequality and the New Faculty Majority 105
Adrianna Kezar and Arely L. Acuna
Part II Student Learning and Life in Global Contexts 125
7 Gender and Substance Use in Higher Education 127
Scott Radimer and Adam M. McCready
8 A Rating Spectrum for Sexual Assault Education and Prevention at 10 Ivy-Plus Institutions 145
Ally Garcia, Julie Wienski, Nicole Cote, and Christopher Silva
9 This Is Not Your Parents' Greek Life: Trends in the Ongoing Evolution of Fraternities and Sororities 171
Alan D. DeSantis
10 Trans Students 197
Genny Beemyn
11 International First-Generation Students: Current Issues and Trends in the Research 215
Michael J. Siegel
12 Women and the American Community College 231
Racheal L. Stimpson
13 "Non-Traditional" Learners and Twenty-First-Century Higher Education: The Ongoing Project of Inclusion 251
Susan B. Marine
14 Gender Inequities in Collegiate Sport: History, Theory, Policy, and Practice 265
Emily A. Johnson and Ajhanai Chanel Inez Newton
Part III Curriculum, Services, Educators, and the Chalkface 289
15 Global Participation in Undergraduate Computing: A Review and Agenda for Research 291
Kathleen J. Lehman, Kaitlin N. S. Newhouse, and Linda J. Sax
16 Institutions of Higher Education as Gendered Workplaces 315
Nancy S. Niemi
17 Town Halls, Campaigns, and Safe Spaces: How Campus Responses to Violence Further Marginalize Vulnerable Populations 333
Emily A. Johnson, Saralyn McKinnon-Crowley, Aaron Voyles, and Alma J. Salcedo
18 Gender Centers in Higher Education: Spaces for Cultivating Critical Hope 359
Matthew Jeffries and Ashley S. Boyd
19 Gendered Divisions of Labor in the Twenty-First-Century Academy: Research, Teaching, and Service 375
Shelley M. Park and Dakota Park-Ozee
20 Work-Life Integration for University Faculty: Overcoming Immunities to Change 397
Maike Ingrid Philipsen
21 Single-Sex and Coeducational Higher Education in International Contexts 411
Kristen A. Renn
22 How High the Ceiling: Gender and Leadership in International Higher Education 429
Sora H. Friedman
23 Study Abroad Programs and Their Intersection with Gender 451
Noreen Siddiqui and Jody Jessup-Anger
Part IV Theoretical Paradigms, Methodologies, and Their Impact on the Study of Gender and Global Higher Education 469
24 Critical Theories and Methods in Gender and Higher Education 471
Marcus B. Weaver-Hightower
25 The Epistemological Significance of Transgender Studies in the Academy 493
Wayne Martino, Diana Kuhl, and Kenan Omercajic
26 Researching Gender and Higher Education 515
Laura Parson
27 Transfeminist Methodology: Examining Cissexism in Higher Education and Student Affairs Research 531
T.J. Jourian
Index 551
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