Practical optimization : algorithms and engineering applications


Practical optimization : algorithms and engineering applications

Andreas Antoniou, Wu-Sheng Lu

(Texts in computer science)

Springer, c2021

2nd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Previous ed.: 2007

Includes bibliographical references and index



This textbook provides a hands-on treatment of the subject of optimization. A comprehensive set of problems and exercises makes it suitable for use in one or two semesters of an advanced undergraduate course or a first-year graduate course. Each half of the book contains a full semester's worth of complementary yet stand-alone material. The practical orientation of the topics chosen and a wealth of useful examples also make the book suitable as a reference work for practitioners in the field. In this second edition the authors have added sections on recent innovations, techniques, and methodologies.


The Optimization Problem.- Basic Principles.- General Properties of Algorithms.- One-Dimensional Optimization.- Basic Multidimensional Gradient Methods.- Conjugate-Direction Methods.- Quasi-Newton Methods.- Minimax Methods.- Applications of Unconstrained Optimization.- Fundamentals of Constrained Optimization.- Linear Programming Part I: The Simplex Method.- Linear Programming Part II: Interior-Point Methods.- Quadratic and Convex Programming.- Semidefinite and Second-Order Cone Programming.- General Nonlinear Optimization Problems.- Applications of Constrained Optimization.

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