パーフィット, デレク
パーフィット, D.
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デレク・パーフィット著 ; 森村進訳
勁草書房 2023.8
Available at 74 libraries
勁草書房 2022.4
Available at 123 libraries
デレク・パーフィット著 ; 森村進, 奥野久美恵訳
Available at 120 libraries
勁草書房 2018.5
Available at 160 libraries
Derek Parfit ; herausgegeben von Matthias Hoesch, Sebastian Muders und Markus Rüther ; aus dem Englischen von Anneli Jefferson und Nadine Mooren
Suhrkamp 2017 [1. Aufl.] Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft 2149
Available at 6 libraries
Derek Parfit
Oxford University Press 2017
v. 3
Available at 7 libraries
Derek Parfit ; edited and introduced by Samuel Scheffler
Oxford University Press 2013, c2011 The Berkeley Tanner lectures / Robert Post, Samuel Scheffler, series editors
v. 1 : pbk , v. 2 : pbk
Available at 9 libraries
Oxford University Press 2011 The Berkeley Tanner lectures / Robert Post, Samuel Scheffler, series editors
: set , v. 1 , v. 2
Available at 37 libraries
勁草書房 1998.6
Available at 287 libraries
by Derek Parfit
University of Kansas c1995 The Lindley lecture 1991
Available at 1 libraries
Clarendon Press 1987, c1984 Reprint with further corrections Oxford paperbacks
: pbk
Available at 32 libraries
Clarendon Press 1986 [Reprint ed. with corrections]
Clarendon Press 1984 Oxford paperbacks
Available at 15 libraries
Clarendon Press 1984
Available at 33 libraries