ゼンフト, グンター(ゼンフト, グンター)
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Gunter Senft著 ; 石崎雅人, 野呂幾久子訳
開拓社 2022.11 改訂版
Available at 89 libraries
Barbara Senft, Gunter Senft
J. Benjamins c2018 Culture and language use : studies in anthropological linguistics / editor, Gunter Senft v. 21
: hb
Available at 2 libraries
開拓社 2017.9
Available at 133 libraries
Gunter Senft
Routledge 2014 Understanding language series
: pbk , : hbk
Available at 30 libraries
edited by Gunter Senft
Pacific Linguistics, College of Asia and the Pacific, The Autralian National University 2010 Pacific linguistics 617
Available at 3 libraries
by Gunter Senft
De Gruyter Mouton c2010 Trends in linguistics . Documentation ; 27
Available at 10 libraries
edited by Gunter Senft and Ellen B. Basso
Berg 2009 Wenner-Gren international symposium series
: pbk , : cloth
Available at 5 libraries
edited by Gunter Senft, Jan-Ola Östman, Jef Verschueren
John Benjamins c2009 Handbook of pragmatics highlights v. 2
: pbk
Available at 29 libraries
Cambridge University Press 2008 Language, culture and cognition 4
Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University 2008 Pacific linguistics 594
Available at 4 libraries
Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University 2004 Pacific linguistics 562
Cambridge University Press 2000 Language, culture and cognition 4
Available at 66 libraries
Clarendon Press 1997 Oxford studies in anthropological linguistics 11
Available at 15 libraries
Oxford University Press 1996 Oxford studies in anthropological linguistics
Available at 9 libraries
Mouton de Gruyter c1986 Mouton grammar library 3
: US , : Germany
Available at 24 libraries
editor, Gunter Senft
J. Benjamins