寺野, 隆雄 (テラノ, タカオ)
Terano, Takao
横幹「知の統合」シリーズ編集委員会編 ; 遠藤薫 [ほか] 著
東京電機大学出版局 2017.9 横幹「知の統合」シリーズ
Yutaka Nakai, Yuhsuke Koyama, Takao Terano, editors
Springer c2015 Agent based social systems / ed by Hiroshi Deguchi v. 13
: pbk
講談社 2015.5 ブルーバックス B-1918
Tadahiko Murata, Takao Terano, Shingo Takahashi, editors
Springer c2013 Agent based social systems / ed by Hiroshi Deguchi v. 10
edited by Shu-Heng Chen, Takao Terano and Ryuichi Yamamoto
Springer c2011 Agent based social systems / ed by Hiroshi Deguchi 8
T. Terano ... [et al.], (eds.)
Springer c2009 Agent based social systems / ed by Hiroshi Deguchi Vol. 6
T. Terano ... [et al.], eds
Springer c2007 Agent based social systems / ed by Hiroshi Deguchi v. 3
T. Terano ... [et al.] (eds.)
Springer c2005 Agent based social systems / ed by Hiroshi Deguchi Vol. 1
ロバート・アクセルロッド著 ; 寺野隆雄監訳
ダイヤモンド社 2003.6
ロバート・アクセルロッド, マイケル D.コーエン著 ; 寺野隆雄訳
by Hiroshi Takahashi and Takao Terano
Graduate School of Systems Management, University of Tsukuba 2003 Research report no. 03-01
edited by Akira Namatame, Takao Terano, Koichi Kurumatani
IOS Press , Distributor in Japan, Ohmsha c2002 Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications v. 72
: IOS Press
高橋大志, 寺野隆雄 [著]
筑波大学大学院経営システム科学 2002.10 Research report No.02-07
by Yuji Katsumata, Setsuya Kurahashi, Takao Terano
University of Tsukuba 2001 Research report no. 01-05
Graduate School of Systems Management, University of Tsukuba 2001 Research report no. 01-04
Takao Terano ... [et al.] (eds.)
Springer c2001 Lecture notes in computer science 2253 . Lecture notes in artificial intelligence
[寺野隆雄] 2001.3 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C)研究成果報告書 平成10-12年度
Takao Terano, Huan Liu, Arbee L.P. Chen (eds.)
Springer c2000 Lecture notes in computer science 1805 . Lecture notes in artificial intelligence
by Takashi Ishikawa, Shigeki Mitaku and Takao Terano
University of Tsukuba 1999 Research report no. 99-06
by Takao Terano, Setsuya Kurahashi, and Ushio Minami
University of Tsukuba 1998 Research report no. 94-09