Van der Veer, René
Der Veer, René van
Veer, R. van der (René)
Веер, Рене ван дер
Ван дер Веер, Рене
René van der Veer
Information Age Pub. c2020 Perspectives on human development / series editors Isabelle Albert, Jaan Valsiner, Koji Komatsu
: pbk
Information Age Publishing c2020 Perspectives on human development / series editors Isabelle Albert, Jaan Valsiner, Koji Komatsu
: hardcover
Ekaterina Zavershneva, René van der Veer, editors
Springer c2018 Perspectives in cultural-historical research / series editors Marilyn Fleer, Fernando González Rey, Elena Kravtsova, Nikolai Veresov 2
: softcover
под общей редакцией Екатерины Завершневой и Рене ван дер Веера
Канон+ 2018
Bloomsbury 2014 Bloomsbury library of educational thought
Continuum International Pub. c2007 Continuum library of educational thought v. 10
: hbk
Jaan Valsiner, René van der Veer
Cambridge University Press 2000
: hbk , : pbk
[L.S. Vygotsky] ; translated and with an introduction by René van der Veer ; prologue by Robert W. Rieber and Jeffrey Wollock ; editors of the English translation, Robert W. Rieber and Jeffrey Wollock
Springer Science+Business Media c1997 Cognition and language : a series in psycholinguistics . The collected works of L.S. Vygotsky ; v. 3
Plenum Press c1997 Cognition and language : a series in psycholinguistics . The collected works of L.S. Vygotsky ; v. 3
by René van der Veer, Marinus van IJzendoorn, and Jaan Valsiner (eds.)
Ablex Publishing Corp. c1994
edited by René van der Veer and Jaan Valsiner
Blackwell 1994
René van der Veer and Jaan Valsiner
Blackwell 1993, c1991
Blackwell 1991
René van der Veer ; met een ten geleide van C.F. van Parreren
Wolters-Noordhoff c1985
M.H. van IJzendoorn, R. van der Veer, in collaboration with F.A. Goossens ; translated by M. Schoen
Irvington Publishers c1984
: hard , : pbk