Understanding Vygotsky : a quest for synthesis
Understanding Vygotsky : a quest for synthesis
Blackwell, 1991
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全31件
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Bibliography: p. [401]-440
Includes indexes
This book is the most comprehensive contribution to our understanding of Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934) yet undertaken. As a key to understanding the most potent influence on developmental theories since the beginning of this century, van der Veer and Valsiner explore Vygotsky's ideas through the course of his life, establishing links with his predecessors and contemporaries. Elaborate analysis of his social context allows detailed discussions of Vygotsky's indebtedness to literary scholarship (his career began with an essay on Hamlet), with psychoananlysis, Gestalt psychology and paedology. The authors show how close was his intellectual dependence on the international scientific community of the time and on contemporary creative endeavours of the fine arts. The Life and Work of Lev Vygotsky not only shows the extent to which Vygotsky's work can be further developed to be relevant to the end of the twentieth century but also opens up scope for a more detailed analysis of his contemporaries.
- Part 1: Lev Vygotsky
- literature and art. Part 2 The first years in Moscow 1924-1928: pedagogical psychology
- defectology
- the role of psychoanalysis
- the context of Vygotsky's entrance into psychology - Konstantin Kornilov and reactology
- crisis in psychology
- Vygotsky and Gestalt psychology. Part 3 The cultural-historical theory 1928-1932: cultural-historical theory
- the expedition to Central Asia
- the universe of words - Vygotsky's view on concept formation. Part 4 Moscow, Kharkov and Leningrad 1932-1934: Vygotsky the paedologist
- education and development
- emotions - in search of a new approach
- a final word
- criticisms.
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