繊維製品消費科学Journal of the Japan Reseach Association for textile end-uses
Bibliographic Information
繊維製品消費科学 = Journal of the Japan Reseach Association for textile end-uses
日本繊維製品消費科学会, 1960.9-
- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1960)-
- Other Title
- Title Transcription
センイ セイヒン ショウヒ カガク = Journal of the Japan Reseach Association for textile end-uses
Available at / 167 libraries
Aichi University of Education Library図1964-2021
5(1-5), 6(1-2, 4-6), 7-9, 10(1-7, 9-12), 11-44, 45(1-6, 10, 12), 46-50, 53-55, 60-62 -
Aichi Shukutoku University Hoshigaoka Branch Library1960-1998せ
2-8, 9(1-2, 4-12), 10-38, 39(1-3) -
大阪大谷大学 図書館1973-2001
3(2-5), 4(1-4), 5(2-3, 6), 6(6), 7(3-4), 8(5), 13, 15(1-2, 9-12), 16-31, 32(1-7, 9-12), 33-42 OPAC
Osaka Kyoiku University Library図1960-2015
6(1-2, 4-6), 7(3-6), 8(2-6), 9(1-2, 4-9), 10(1-11), 11-25, 26(1-10, 12), 27-49, 50(1-4, 6-7, 9-12), 51-53, 54(1-6, 8, 10-12), 55(1-3, 5-7, 9, 11-12), 56(1-6, 8-9) -
大阪教育大学 附属図書館 天王寺分館図1967-2013
10(11), 11(4), 12(9-10), 13(5, 9-12), 14(1, 3-7, 9-10, 12), 14(1, 3-7, 9-10, 12), 15(1, 3-6, 9), 16(11-12), 17(1, 4-12), 18-19, 20(1, 3-5, 7, 9-12), 21(1-8, 10-12), 22, 23(1-3, 5-12), 24(1-6, 8-12), 25(1, 3-4, 6-9, 11-12), 26-33, 34(1-6, 8, 10, 12), 35(1-3, 5-6), 37-39, 40(1-2, 4-12), 41(1-10, 12), 42, 53(4), 54(1) -
大阪夕陽丘学園短期大学 図書館1960-2024(intend)
5(1-2, 4), 6(2, 4-6), 7(4-6), 8(1-2, 4-6), 9(1-2, 5-8), 10-64, 65(1-10)+ OPAC
岡山理科大学 図書館1967-1986580.5/Se
9(1-2, 4-8), 10(1-11), 11, 12(1-4, 6-7, 10, 12), 19(10), 20(1, 3, 7, 12), 21(2, 3, 5, 7), 24(3, 6, 7, 12), 25(1-9, 12), 26, 27(1-3, 5-6) OPAC
5(1-5), 7(3-6), 8(1, 4-6), 9(1-2, 4), 10(4-7, 9-11), 11, 12(1-7, 9-12), 13(1-11), 14(1-3, 5, 7-9, 11-12), 15-18, 20(4-12), 21-61, 62(1-10)+ OPAC
Kyoto University of Education Library図1995-2020
16, 17(1-6, 8-12), 18(1-10, 12), 19(1-4, 6-12), 20(1-4, 6-12), 21(1-3, 5-9, 11-12), 22(1-11), 23-31, 33-47, 48(4-12), 49-61 -
Kyoto Institute of Technology Library図1960-2023
27(1-4, 7-12), 28-29, 30(1-9, 11-12), 31-32, 33(1-2, 4-12), 34(3-12), 35-40, 41(2-12), 42(1-6, 8-12), 43-63, 64(1-3) -
京都ノートルダム女子大学 図書館情報センター1960-2024(intend)
2(1-4), 3, 4(1-3, 5-6), 5(1-2, 4, 6), 6, 7(1-3, 5-6), 8, 9(1-2, 4-8), 10(1-9, 11), 11-13, 14(1-3, 5-12), 15-24, 25(1-9, 12), 26-64, 65(1-12)+ -
京都文教短期大学 図書館1985-2004
27(1-8, 10-12), 28, 29(5, 7-9), 30(1, 4-12), 31-33, 34(1-2, 4-12), 35(1-6, 8-12), 36-39, 40(1-10), 41, 42(1-2, 4, 7-12), 43(1-5, 7-12), 44, 45(1-2) -
岐阜聖徳学園大学 岐阜キャンパス図書館1968-2001
10(1-2, 4-5, 8-10), 11(2-3, 7, 9-11), 12(1-10, 12), 13-14, 15(1-2, 5), 16-23, 30-42 -
岐阜市立女子短期大学 附属図書館1960-2015
9(1-5, 7-8), 10-12, 13(1-3, 5-12), 14-15, 16(1-10, 12), 17-20, 21(1-3, 5-12), 22-42, 43(4-12), 44-56 -
Gunma Univ. Library図書館1960-2008
5(1-2, 4-6), 6(1-2, 4-6), 7(4, 6), 8(1-6), 9(1-2, 5-8), 10(1-11), 11-46, 47(1-11), 48-49 -
Prefectural University of Hiroshima Library and Academic Information Center1961-1983
3-6, 7(1-5), 14(4-12), 15-21, 22(1-9, 11-12), 23, 24(1-11) -
高知県立大学 附属永国寺図書館永図1960-2002
2(1), 4(5-6), 5, 6(1-5), 7(2-5), 16-17, 18(1-10, 12), 19-30, 31(1-2, 4-12), 32(1, 3-8, 10-12), 33-42, 43(1-3) -
甲南女子大学 図書館1960-2001
12(1-11), 13(2-3, 7-11), 14-17, 18(1-3, 5-12), 19-20, 21(1-2, 5-12), 22(1-5, 7-12), 23-42 -
Kobe Shoin Women's University Library / Kobe Shoin Women's College Library1972-2024(intend)
7-11), 14-17, 18(1-3, 5, 7-12), 19-20, 21(1-2, 5-12), 22-23, 24(1-6, 8-12), 25(1-10, 12), 26(1, 3, 5-12), 27-43, 44(1-2, 4-12), 45-51, 52(2-12), 53-65+ -
神戸女子大学・神戸女子短期大学 ポートアイランドキャンパス図書館1972-2005
14(1-3, 6-12), 15-16, 17(1-7, 9-12), 18(1-7, 9-12), 19, 20(1-4, 6-12), 21(1-4, 6-12), 22(4-12), 23, 24(1-2, 4-12), 25-46 -
Sagami Women's University Library1960-2024(intend)P58||S
2(1-4), 3-23, 24(6, 10-12), 25(1, 3-12), 26-64, 65(1-11)+ -
University of Shiga Prefecture Library1969-2024(intend)
12(1-11), 13(1, 3, 5-12), 14, 15(1, 3-10, 12), 16-17, 18(1, 3, 5, 8, 10-12), 19-27, 28(1-3), 29(9, 11-12), 30-36, 37(1-3), 50(4-12), 51-65+ -
5(1-2, 4, 6), 6(1-2, 4-6), 7(4, 6), 8, 9(1-3, 5-6, 8), 10(1-10), 11-35, 36(1-11)+ OPAC
静岡大学 附属図書館静図1960-2008590/Z-SE
2(1-4), 3, 4(1, 3-5), 5(1, 3-6), 6(1-3, 5), 7(2-4), 10(8), 11-12, 13(2-3, 7-12), 16(10-12), 17-18, 19(1-3, 5-12), 20-23, 26(4-12), 27, 28(1-3, 5-12), 29-49 -
Shokei Gakuin University Library1960-2019
2(1), 17-25, 26(1-3, 5-12), 27, 30(2-12), 31-34, 41(8-10), 42(2, 3, 7, 9, 12), 43(3-5, 7-12), 44(1-3), 47(2, 4-12), 48-59, 60(1-3) -
Faculty of Textile Science and Technology Library, Shinshu University図1967-2016
9(1, 3, 5-6, 8), 10(1-4, 6-9, 11), 11-20, 21(1-2, 5-12), 22-48, 49(1-9, 11-12), 50, 51(1-4, 6-12), 52-55, 56(1-11), 57(1, 4-7, 10-11) -
Joetsu University of Education Library1960-2022(intend)5
8(1-6), 9(1-2, 4, 6-8), 10(2-7, 9-11), 11(1-2, 4, 6, 8-10, 12), 12(2-12), 13(1, 3-4, 6-8, 10-12), 14-31, 32(1-3), 40(4-12), 41-48, 51-60, 63(3-12)+ -
東京科学大学 大岡山図書館図書館1963-1998
6), 5-7, 9(1), 11(2-3, 6-12), 12(1-5, 7-12), 13(1-9), 15(8), 16(3-5, 8), 17(1, 4-8, 10-12), 18(1, 4-6, 8), 19(9, 12), 20(9-12), 21-27, 28(1-10, 12), 29, 30(1-6, 8-12), 31-32, 33(7-8, 10-12), 34-38, 39(1-3) -
Tokyo Gakugei University Library研1960-1997
2(1-4), 3(1-6), 4(1-6), 5(1-6), 6(1-6), 7(1-6), 8(1-6), 9(1-8), 18(1-5, 7-12), 19(1-2, 4-10), 20(1-10, 12), 22(1-3, 5-7, 9-12), 27(12), 28-30, 31(1-12), 32-37, 38(1-3) -
Nagoya Women's University Libraries1960-2024(intend)
2(1-4), 3(5), 5-6, 7(2-6), 8(2-6), 9-11, 12(1-3), 16(2, 10-12), 17(1-6, 9-12), 18(1-2, 4-12), 19, 21-27, 33-44, 45(1-6, 8-12), 46-48, 49(1-3), 56-65+ -
Nara Women's University Academic Information Center1960-2013
9(1-2, 4-8), 10-11, 12(1-9, 11), 13-20, 21(1-8, 10-12), 22-24, 25(1-11), 26-53, 54(1-3) -
Japan Women's University Library図書館1960-2016
2(1-4), 3-4, 5(), 10-19, 20(), 22-24, 25(), 26-27, 28-33(), 34-55, 56(1-4), 57(1-11) -
National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Ohwashi Library1961-2006
3(4), 4(4, 6), 5(5), 7(1-3), 16-47 -
広島女学院大学 図書館1960-2016
2(2-4), 3(1-6), 4(3-6), 5(1-6), 6(1-6), 7(1-6), 8(1-6), 9(1, 3-8), 10(1-11), 11(1-6, 8-12), 12-32, 33(1-5, 7, 9-12), 34(1-5, 7-12), 35(1-8, 10-12), 36-56, 57(2-3) -
Hiroshima University Central Library, Interlibrary Loan図・書庫雑誌1960-2016
9(1), 33-54, 55(2-12), 56, 57(1-8) -
Hiroshima University Central Library, Interlibrary Loan特殊1968-1992
4-9), 10-11, 12(1-10), 13-32 -
Fukushima University Library1960-2005
7(1-5), 18-21, 22(1-3), 24-29, 30, 31(2-12), 32, 33(2-12), 34, 35(1-5, 7-12), 38-45, 46(1-3) -
北星学園大学 図書館1964-1996
6(1-3, 5-6), 7(1-6), 8(1-6), 9(1-2, 4-8), 10(1-11), 11-13, 14(1-3), 15-24, 25(1-7, 9-12), 26-36, 37(1-3) -
Library of Miyagi Gakuin Women's University1960-2024(intend)
9(1-2, 4-8), 10-43, 44(1-10, 12), 45, 46(1-10, 12), 47-65+ -
安田女子大学 図書館1973-2024(intend)
2(4-12), 3-4, 5(2, 5-12), 6, 8(2-12), 9(1-2, 4-5, 8-12), 10(1-2, 4-5, 8-12), 11(1-6, 9-12), 12(1-2, 9), 13(3, 9, 12), 14(3-11), 15-58, 59(1-6, 8-12), 60-64, 65(1-12)+ -
General Library Yamaguchi University1963-2024(intend)
5(1-2, 4-6), 6(1, 4, 6), 7, 8(3-5), 9(7), 39-62, 63(1, 3-12), 64, 65(1-4)+ -
The University of Yamanashi Library図1973-1999
16(9, 11), 17(7), 18(7-8), 19(8, 12), 20(3-4, 6), 21(3-4, 8-12), 22(1-4, 7, 9), 23, 24(1-7, 9-12), 25-27, 28(1-10, 12), 29(1-2, 4-12), 30-39, 40(1-2) -
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欄外タイトル: 繊消誌 (Vol.15, no.7 (1974.7)-)