名古屋大學教育學部紀要. 教育学科
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名古屋大學教育學部紀要. 教育学科
名古屋大学教育学部, 1964. 9-1997. 3
- 11巻 (1964)-43巻2号 (1996)
- Other Title
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, the Department of Education
Bulletin of the School of Education, the Department of Education
- Title Transcription
ナゴヤ ダイガク キョウイク ガクブ キヨウ. キョウイク ガッカ
Available at / 139 libraries
Prefectural University of Hiroshima Library and Academic Information Center1966-1994
22-33, 36-40, 41(2) -
Library of Education, National Institute for Educational Policy Research1964-1996P551||1Ba
40(1), 41-43 -
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39巻1号 (1992)から、 巻、号の表示となる
43巻2号の裏表紙タイトル: Bulletin of the School of Education, the Department of Education