
Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century

edited by Theodore Besterman

Voltaire Foundation , Voltaire Foundation at the Taylor Institution, 1971-

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  • 愛知大学 名古屋図書館

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  • 宇都宮大学 附属図書館

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  • 関西大学 図書館

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  • 京都産業大学 図書館

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  • 京都大学 人文科学研究所 図書室本館

    86西洋近世||哲学・思想||5646||中川文庫200033319671, v. 241135.41||S-333686071865



English and French

v. 145- published by Voltaire Foundation at the Taylor

v. 165- founded by Theodore Besterman

v. 170- edited by Haydn Mason

v. 177- general editor Haydn Mason

v.71: General index to volumes XXXII-LXX


256 ISBN 9780729403672


James L. Schorr, La Henriade revisited Alain Tichoux, Sur les origines de l'Anti-Pascal de Voltaire Jan Lavicka, La genese du Sermon des cinquante Morris Wachs, Additions to Voltaire's correspondence Morris Wachs, Voltaire and Palissot in Paris in 1778: additions to the correspondence M. S. Riviere, Voltaire's use of Dangeau's Memoires in Le Siecle de Louis XIV: the paradox of the historian-raconteur Zvjezdana Rudelic, La Voiture embourbee ou la 'non-identite' romanesque Jacques Proust, Diderot et le systeme des connaissances humaines Huguette Cohen, Diderot's machivellian Harlequin: Ferdinando Galiani Kathleen Hardesty Doig, Le grand siecle in the Encyclopedie and the Supplement Barrie Walters, Juigne Broissiniere's contribution to Moreri's Grand dictionnaire historique Jane Hale, Le drame bourgeois et ses espaces Townsend Whelen Bowling, Night thoughts on the New World: Loaisel de Treogate's Florello Harry Redman, Jr, Roland and the Revolution: two songs, or rather three Kay Wilkins, Andrea de Nerciat and the libertine tradition in eighteenth-century France Robert Granderoute, Les langues vivantes etrangeres et la reflexion pedagogique au dix-huitieme siecle G. Festa, Naissance d'une anthropologie: le tarentisme dans la conscience des voyageurs au dix-huitieme siecle Francis Beretti, 'Remarks on Corsica', de John Symonds (1767): un journal de voyage inedit Jean A. Perkins, Love, marriage and sex in eighteenth-century France Judy Celano Celli and Theodore Braun, Eighteenth-century French translations of Pope's Universal prayer John Dwyer and Alexander Murdoch, Henry Dundas revisited but not revised

260 ISBN 9780729403733


Merle L. Perkins, Six French philosophes on human rights, international rivalry, and war: their message today Sean O'Cathasaigh, Bayle's Commentaire philosophique, 1686 Pierre Saint-Amand, Destin de l'histoire: Zadig et Candide K. Muller, Voltaire and the Systeme de la nature: contemporary reactions Herve Guenot, Propagande, culte des grands hommes et stereotypes litteraires: Voltaire represente au theatre (1752-1836) Eva Jacobs, An unidentified illustration of an English actress in a Voltairean tragic role: Mary Ann Yates as Electra P. Stewart, Julie et ses legendes Judith Still, Elements of the Classical code of beneficence presupposed in Rouseau's writing R. A. Leigh, Rousseau's 'declaration a Mme Dupin' Gerhardt Stenger, La Preface-annexe: un conte oublie de Diderot? Colette V. Michael, Cecile et les dangers de l'innocence: de 'bouton de rose' a 'machine a plaisir' Georges Decote, Le theme du sylphe dans quelques comedies du dix-huitieme siecle Alexander Sokalski, L'edition cartonee des oeuvres du chevalier de Boufflers (1782) R. A. Francis, The abbe Prevost, 1968-1986: the present state of studies David H. Thomas, A checklist of major French authors in Oxford libraries: first supplement Robert L. Dawson, Theatre and research in the Arsenal: the Rondel 'Inventaire'

267 ISBN 9780729403870


Murray Pittock, New Jacobite songs of the Forty-five Thomas E. Kaiser, The abbe Dubos and the historical defence of monarchy in early eighteenth-century France Wanda Dzwigala, Voltaire and Poland: the historical works Uta Janssens-Knorsch, Against Voltaire: an unfavourable view of the philosopher-poet among the French expatriates in Berlin James May, Edward Young's criticism of Voltaire in Resignation 1761, 1762 Jose-Michel Moureaux, D'Argens editeur de Julien Thadd E. Hall, Jean-Jacques Rousseau: the Corsican connection Lisa Gasbarrone, From the part to the whole: nature and machine in Rousseau's Reveries Norma Perry, Identifying Helvetius's London landlord, Egidius Augustinus Van Coppenolle Simon Davies, An Irish friend of Helvetius identified, with an unpublished letter Peter V. Conroy Jr, Male bonding and female isolation in Laclos' Les Liaisons dangereuses Viktor Link, The first operatic version of Pamela John Pappas, Supplement a l'Inventaire de la correspondance de d'Alembert T. M. Pratt, Of exploration and exploitation: the New World in later Enlightenment epic Jean-Claude David, Intrigues et cabales ministerielles a la fin du regne de Louis XV: l'exil du chevalier d'Arcq Daniel Teysseire, Lien social et ordre politique chez Cabanis Georges Festa, Litterature portugaise et Lumieres: la contribution des voyageurs francais John Lough, France in the 1780s seen by Joseph and Anna Francesca Craddock

266 ISBN 9780729403894


Olga B. Cragg (ed.), Marie-Jeanne Riccoboni, Histoire du Marquis de Cressy Charles Porset, Vampire et Lumieres D. G. Charlton, Jean-Baptiste Du Bos and eighteenth-century sensibility Ellen McNiven Hine, Dortous de Mairan, the 'Cartonian' James P. Gilroy, Variations on the theme of Mentor in the later novels of the abbe Prevost Catherine R. Montfort, Voltaire as critic: the case of Mme de Sevigne Marc Serge Riviere, Contemporary reactions to the early editions of Le Siecle de Louis XIV Marie-Helene Chabut, Jacques le fataliste: relativisation d'une performance parodique et metadiscursive Rosena Davison, Une source italienne pour Jean-Francois Rameau? Gurdon Wattles, Buffon, d'Alembert and materialist atheism Susan Manning, Eloquence and evasion: Hume's elusive wit James M. Kaplan, Two early epistles by Marmontel Patrick Byrne, The Valmont-Merteuil relationship: coming to terms with the ambiguities of Laclos's text David McNeil, Tristram Shandy: the grotesque view of war and the military character Ruth P. Thomas, Twice victims: virtuous widows in the eighteenth-century French novel Georges Festa, Genie d'une litterature: l'Italie des voyageurs francais au siecle des Lumieres Danielle Johnson-Cousin, Une source italienne inconnue du drama de Sapho (1811) par Mme de Stael: Le Avventure di Saffo, poetessa di Mitilene d'Alessandro Verri - paralleles et contrastes Christopher Todd, French advertising in the eighteenth century David H. Thomas, A checklist of editions of major French authors in Oxford libraries: first supplement

275 ISBN 9780729404006


Artur Blaim, The English robinsonade of the eighteenth century Emily Riddel Guignon, What saying is 'about': a speech-act reading of Diderot's Jacques le fataliste et son maitre Francis Beretti, Correspondance entre James Boswell et Pascal Paoli (1780-1789) Philip Robinson, La musique des comedies de Figaro: elements de dramaturgie

278 ISBN 9780729404068


James L. Schorr, Les Petits-Maitres and La Critique by Justus van Effen Roland G. Bonnel, Le despotisme dans les Lettres persanes Sheila Mason, Montesquieu on English constitutionalism revisited: a government of potentiality and paradoxes William H. Trapnell, Destiny in Voltaire's Zadig and The Arabian nights Moishe Black, The place of the human body in Candide Marie Wellington, Crossovers from theatre to narrative in a Voltairian conte E. P. Abanime, Les noirs dans l'oeuvre romanesque de Voltaire Jean-Claude David, De Voltaire a Marmontel: quelques autographes du dix-huitieme siecle reunis par Jacques Charavay (1809-1867) Giovanna Gronda, De la satire a la parodie: de Voltaire a Monti - la traduction italienne de la Pucelle d'Orleans Walter E. Rex, Sexual metamorphoses on the stage in mid-eighteenth-century Paris: the theatrical background of Rousseau's Narcisse Guillemette Johnston, The divided self in La Nouvelle Heloise Anna Ridehalgh, Rousseau as God? The Ermenonville pilgrimages in the Revolution Diane Fourny, L'Emile et la question du livre Guy Wagener, What in the devil's name is Jacques le fataliste? Vincent McB. Tobin, Gluck's Iphigenie en Tauride: an eighteenth-century Euripidean drama Alexander Sokalski, Grammars and grottos: language learning and language teaching in pre-revolutionary Paris, 1780-1789 Santo L. Arico, Elitism versus popularism in the educational treatises of La Chalotais, Morveau and Rolland D. D. Raphael, D. R. Raynor, I. S. Ross, "This very awkward affair": an entanglement of Scottish professors with English lords Leonore Loft, J.-P. Brissot and the problem of Jewish emancipation

362 ISBN 9780729406222


Robert Wokler, Pistols for two and coffee for one! Rekindling Voltaire's and Rousseaus's quarrel in footnotes Jean-Pierre Perchellet, Des orages de Cirey aux orages de Coppet: Mme de Stael et Benjamin Constant vus par Claude Hochet Jacqueline Letzter, Isabelle de Charriere versus Germaine de Stael: Textual tactics in the debate about Rousseau Brigitte Weltman-Aron, Educating girls: Rousseau's Sophi(e)stry Jean-Marcel Dizes, Note sur les Pensees d'un esprit droit et sentimens d'un coeur vertueux, attribues a Jean-Jeacques Rousseau Marie-Josephine Diamond, Rousseau and Mme de Stael: the reflective imagination and the poetics of gender Peter Wagstaff, Utopian space in the work of Retif de la Bretonne Suzanne Cornand, Le corps exhibe: les propos sur la sante dans la correspondance de Mme de Graffigny Daniel Teysseire, De la Methodique au Dictionnaire des sciences medicales, quoi de neuf en matiere pediatrique? Michael Winston, 'Monsters in human shape': Bienville on nymphomania Madeleine Dobie, Exotic economies and colonial history in Montesquieu's De l'esprit des lois Carole Dornier, Morale de l'utile et Lumieres francaises: Duclos, Considerations sur les moeurs de ce siecle (1751) Roberto Romani, All Montesquieu's sons: the place of esprit general, caractere national, and moeurs in French political philosophy, 1748-1789 Myongcheol Jou, La societe de l'ancien regime et le monde vecu par Francois Genard T.M. Pratt, The trials of Tobit in Enlightenment epic J.E. Crimmins, Genius, invention and Jeremy Bentham David H. Thomas, A checklist of editions of major French authors in Oxford libraries: second supplement Resumes

371 ISBN 9780729406994


Robert Darnton, Poetry and the police in eighteenth-century Paris Marc Serge Riviere, Voltaire, reader of women's memoirs: 'The difference of value' Nicholas Cronk, The epicurean spirit: champagne and the defence of poetry in Voltaire's Le Mondain Awen A. M. Coley, Followers of Daedalus: science and other influences in the tales of flight in eighteenth-century French literature J. P. Greene, Ursule's road to ruin: carriages in Retif de La Bretonne's La paysanne pervertie John Isbell, Quelques publications de Mme de Stael avant et pendant la Revolution francaise: les Lettres sur Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Zulma et le Recueil de morceaux detaches, 1786-1795 Carole Dornier et David Smith, Duclos vu par Mme de Graffigny Marek Bratun, Paris aux yeux des jeunes Sarmates eclaires en 1766-1767 d'apres une correspondance inedite de Joseph et Michel-Georges Mniszech Reed Benhamou, The public baths and the press: changing behaviour in eighteenth-century Paris Marie-Jeanne Boisacq, L'art varie des coiffures au dix-huitieme siecle Jean Vivies, The dialogic status of the narrator in Tobias Smollett's Travels through France and Italy

378 ISBN 9780729407045


D. Gillian Thompson, A modern persecution: Breton Jesuits under the suppression of 1762-1814 Daniel Cardinal, Between Locke and Leibniz: Condillac and the camera obscura Paul G. Beidler, The aesthetic of scientific discovery: Hume, Sterne, and the literary sketch William Scott, Anxieties and aspirations: problems of educational reform on the eve of the French Revolution Paul van Gestel, Dutch reactions to Thomas Paine's Age of reason Richard Whatmore, 'Good books and bad morals': Jean-Baptiste Say's assessment of the French Revolution Resumes

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