Applications of the Monte Carlo method in statistical physics
Bibliographic Information
Applications of the Monte Carlo method in statistical physics
(Topics in current physics, 36)
Springer-Verlag, c1987
2nd ed
- : U.S.
- : Germany
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Includes bibliographies and index
Description and Table of Contents
Deals with the computer simulation of complex physical sys- tems encounteredin condensed-matter physics and statistical mechanics as well as in related fields such as metallurgy, polymer research,lattice gauge theory and quantummechanics.
Table of Contents
1. A Simple Introduction to Monte Carlo Simulation and Some Specialized Topics.- 2. Recent Developments in the Simulation of Classical Fluids.- 3. Monte Carlo Studies of Critical and Multicritical Phenomena.- 4. Few- and Many-Fermion Problems.- 5. Simulations of Polymer Models.- 6. Simulation of Diffusion in Lattice Cases and Related Kinetic Phenomena.- 7. Roughening and Melting in Two Dimensions.- 8. Monte Carlo Studies of "Random" Systems.- 9. Monte Carlo Calculations in Lattice Gauge Theories.- 10. Recent Developments.- Additional References with Titles.
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