Bibliographic Information

Yeats annual

edited by Richard J. Finneran

Macmillan Press, 1982-

  • no. 1
  • no. 2
  • no. 3
  • no. 4
  • no. 5
  • no. 6
  • no. 7
  • no. 8
  • no. 10
  • no. 11
  • no. 13

Other Title

Essays in memory of Richard Ellmann

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No. 9, 12, 14-17: 子書誌あり

No. 3-8, 10-11, 13. edited by Warwick Gould

"Including Essays in memory of Richard Ellmann. Edited by Ronald Schuchard"--No. 7

No. 12. edited by Warwick Gould and Edna Longley

No. 15 edited by Wayne K. Chapman and Warwick Gould

Place of Publications, No. 3-: Houndmills, Basingstoke ; London

Publisher varies: Cambridge : Open Book Publishers

Includes bibliographical references

ISSN: vol. 8-13. 02787688

Description and Table of Contents


no. 4 ISBN 9780333353325

Table of Contents

  • List of Abbreviations - Editorial Board - Notes on the Contributors - List of Plates - Editor's Note - Acknowledgements - ARTICLES - Yeats and Croce
  • D.T.Torchiana - Yeats's Passage to India
  • R.Nevo - Yeats and Women
  • Michael Robartes and the Dancer
  • E.Cullingford - 'Heirs of the Great Generation': Yeats's Friendship with Charles Shannon and Charles Ricketts
  • J.G.P.Delaney - Olivia Shakespear and W.B.Yeats
  • J.Harwood - An Afterword upon Rupert Armstrong
  • D.Toomey - The Secret Society of Modernism: Pound, Yeats, Olivia Shakespear, and the Abb de Montfaucon de Villars
  • J.Longenbach - Ezra Pound's versions of Fenollosa's Noh Manuscripts and Yeats's unpublished 'Suggestions and Corrections'
  • Y.Chiba - Do we or do we not, know it?: An Unpublished Essay on W.B.Yeats
  • T.S.Moore, with afterword by W.Gould - Coming to Grips with Proteus
  • A.D.Hope - SIGNIFICANT RESEARCH COLLECTIONS - The University of London Library Collections
  • P.G.W.van de Kamp - SHORTER NOTES - A Source Note on 'The Madness of King Goll'
  • F.Kinahan - The Systematic Rose
  • D.R.Pearce - Yeats and Hefferman the Blind
  • N.R.Nash - Yeats, Clodd, Scatalogic Rites, and the Clonmel Witch Burning
  • G.Brennan - MASTERING WHAT IS MOST ABSTRACT: A FORUM ON A VISION - To 'beat upon the wall': Reading A Vision
  • C.McDowell REVIEWS - Karen Dorn: Players and Painted Stage: The Theatre of W.B.Yeats
  • D.R.Clark - Robert Hogan and Richard Burnham: The Art of the Amateur, 1916-20, Volume 5 of The Modern Irish Drama
  • K.Worth - Richard Taylor: A Reader's Guide to the Plays of W.B.Yeats
  • K.Worth - A.S.Knowland: W.B.Yeats: Dramatist of Vision, Irish Literary Studies
  • R.A.Cave - An Evening of Four Yeats Plays at the Peacock Theatre, Dublin, June 1984
  • R.A.Cave - Birgit Bramsb ck: Folklore and W.B.Yeats: The Function of Folklore Elements in Three Early Plays
  • G.Brennan - Norbert K.Buchta: Rezeption und sthetische Verarbeitung Romantische: Poetologie im Lyrischen Werk William Butler Yeats
  • K.P.S.Jochum - Alan Himber (ed): The Letters of John Quinn to William Butler Yeats
  • J.Pethica - Ann Saddlemyer (ed): The Collected Letters of John Millington Synge
  • G.Brennan - Gloria C.Kline: The Last Courtly Lover: Yeats and the Idea of Woman
  • K.Dorn - Gale C.Schricker: A New Species of Man: The Poetic Persona of W.B.Yeats
  • J.Russell - Michael Steinman: Yeats's Heroic Figures: Wilde, Parnell, Swift, Casement
  • R.Burton - Graham Hough: The Mystery Religion of W.B.Yeats
  • J.L.Allen - 'Editorial Miscellany' - BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND RESEARCH MATERIALS - The 1920s Catalogue of W.B.Yeats's Library
  • E.O'Shea - Location Register of Twentieth Century English Literary Manuscripts and Letters: A Supplementary Listing of Yeats Holdings
  • D.C.Sutton

no. 5 ISBN 9780333353332

Table of Contents

  • List of Abbreviations - Editorial Board - Notes on the Contributors - List of Plates - Editor's Note - Acknowledgements - Articles
  • P.Marcus, S.Smith, B.Morris, M.Baron, C.Phillips, O.Komesu & P.Kuch - Memories of George Yeats and of W.B.Yeats
  • G.Jaffe & H.M.Hyde - Significant Research Collections
  • R.Gilbert - Yeats and Broadcasting
  • J.Silver & K.Dorn - Shorter Notes
  • D.Toomey, W.Gould, G.Brennan, V.Mercier, J.Hassett & Y.Oura - Reviews
  • J.Pethica, K.Wales, E.Engelberg, D.Kiberd, A.Gibson, J.Delaney & W.Gould - A Bibliographical Miscellany G.Brennan - Bibliographical and Research Materials
  • D.Sutton & W.Gould - Index

no. 6 ISBN 9780333390726


This research-level publication for current thought and documentation upon the life and work of Yeats, focuses on Yeats at work on various manuscripts and on his tours of America. Two of his poems are published from manuscript for the first time.

Table of Contents

  • List of Abbreviations - Editorial Board - Notes on the Contributors - List of Plates - Editor's Note - Acknowledgements - ARTICLES
  • J.Pethica, V.Rohan, J.Harwood, W.K.Chapman, M.Wynne-Davies, W.J.Feeney, R.Londraville, Y.Bonnefoy and C.McDowell - SHORTER NOTES
  • S.Parrish, W.Gould, D.Toomey, R.A.Gilbert and W.K.Chapman - REVIEWS
  • P.L.Marcus, R.A.Cave, R.J.Booth, B.R.Friedman, K.Worth, H.Witemeyer, P.Bickley, R.A.Gilbert, R.Taylor and W.Gould

no. 7 ISBN 9780333390733


The essays in Yeats Annual No 7 are dedicated to the memory of Richard Ellmann, one of the great pioneer critics of W.B.Yeats. They have been contributed by distinguished colleagues and friends of Richard Ellmann, chosen on his advice. The volume also contains much new material by Yeats himself - a new and virtually complete early draft of his novel The Speckled Bird, here entitled 'The Lilies of the Lord' and two new poems from The Flame of the Spirit manuscript book, given to Maud Gonne in 1981.

Table of Contents

  • List of Abbreviations - Editorial Board - Notes on the Contributors - List of Plates - Editor's Note - Acknowledgements - ESSAYS IN MEMORY OF RICHARD ELLMANN
  • edited by R.Schuchard - J.Stallworthy - A.Saddlemyer - M.Perloff - D.Albright - B.Hardy - A.Walton Litz - R.Schuchard - J.Stokes - M.Osteen - W.H.O'Donnell - SHORTER NOTES - G.Bornstein & W.Gould - W.Gould & D.Toomey - S.Regan - K.Beckson - Sister M.Ryan - F.Stuart - K.Raine - R.P.Brandes & E.G.Wilson - REVIEWS - J.S.Kelly - G.Hough - J.G.Nelson - G.J.Watson - W.Gould - D.Toomey - V.B.Rohan - R.A.Cave - D.Toomey - P.Bickley - G.M.Harper - C.McDowell - A.N.Jeffares - R.F.Foster - T.Armstrong - T.Sano - J.Harwood - J.Allison - A.Coleman - BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND RESEARCH MATERIALS - A Recent Yeats Bibliography, 1986-87 - W.Gould

no. 8 ISBN 9780333421123


Yeats Annual No.8 has two distinct themes: Yeats's poetic technique and his aims for an Irish Theatre. Essays from Helen Vendler, Richard Taylor, Timothy Armstrong and Wayne Chapman place the poetry under close scrutiny and offer challenging new studies. Yeats himself writes the remaining essays, including the long-awaited first publication of his Wildean dialogue and an uncollected address on the Irish National Theatre delivered in 1934. Richard Londraville edits four of Yeats's lectures given in England and America in 1902-4.

Table of Contents

  • List of Abbreviations - Editorial Board - Notes on the Contributors - List of Plates - Editor's Note - Acknowledgements - Technique in the Earlier Poems of Yeats
  • H.Vendler - Metrical Variation in Yeats's Verse
  • R.Taylor - Giving Birth to Oneself: Yeats's Late Sexuality
  • T.Armstrong - The Miltonic Crux of 'The Phases of the Moon'
  • W.K.Chapman - Four Lectures by W.B.Yeats, 1902-1904
  • R.Londraville - The Poet and the Actress, an Unpublished Dialogue by W.B.Yeats
  • D.R.Clark - 'The Irish National Theatre', an Uncollected Address by W.B.Yeats
  • D.R.Clark

no. 10 ISBN 9780333536360


Yeats Annual No. 10 finds new thresholds and margins in Yeats's thought and work. It concentrates upon his plays, his occult concerns with spiritualism and the Irish belief in an otherworld, and closely examines certain aspects of his textual state and the borders of his canon. 'The admirable Yeats Annual ... a powerful base of biographical and textual knowledge. Since 1982 the vade mecum of ... Yeats ... full of interest'. Bernard O'Donoghue, The Times Literary Supplement

Table of Contents

List of Abbreviations - Editorial Board - Notes on the Contributors - List of Plates - Editor's Introduction - Acknowledgements - ARTICLES - Significant Research Collections - Shorter Notes - Reviews - Publications Received

no. 11 ISBN 9780333536377


Yeats Annual No. 11 has four broad themes: W.B. Yeats's written and oral poetic technique; his philosophical interests in Eastern thought and A Vision; his manuscripts: and Jack B. Yeats's work, including his illustrations for his brother's writing. The contributions include: Michael Sidnell on Yeats's 'Written Speech'; Helen Vendler on Yeats and Ottava Rima; Steve Ellis on Chaucer, Yeats and the Living Voice; P.S. Sri on Yeats and Mohini Chatterjee; Matthew Gibson and Colin McDowell on A Vision and the automatic script; Wayne Chapman on the 'Countess Cathleen Row' of 1899 and revisions to the play; Warwick Gould and Deirdre Toomey on The Flame of the Spirit; Hilary Pyle on Jack B. Yeats's Illustrations for his Brother; John Purser's edited transcript of Jack Yeats and Thomas MacGreevy in conversation. There are shorter notes by Morton D. Paley, A.Norman Jeffares, Lis Pihl and others. Fourteen new books are reviewed and the nine plates include hitherto unpublished images.

Table of Contents

List of Abbreviations - Editorial Board - Notes on the Contributors - List of Plates - Editor's Introduction - Acknowledgements - ARTICLES - SHORTER NOTES - REVIEWS

no. 13 ISBN 9780333716397


Yeats Annual is the leading international research-level journal devoted to the greatest twentieth-century poet in the English language. In this number there are new essays on Yeats's theatre by leading scholars such as Richard Allen Cave, Gregory N. Eaves and Masaru Sekine, while scholars from nine countries including Peter L. Caracciolo and Paul Edwards, Maneck H. Daruwala, William F. Halloran, Elisabeth Heine and Colleen MacKenna address such matters as 'Yeats and Maud Gonne: Marriage and the Astrological Record, 1908-9', Yeats's relations with Fiona Macleod and with Wyndham Lewis, the Ghost of Wordsworth, Philip Larkin and Seamus Heaney. There are new essays on A Vision , shorter bibliographical notes and reviews of ten new studies.

Table of Contents

  • Abbreviations Editorial Board Notes on the Contributors PART I: ESSAYS Yeats and Maud Gonne: Marriage and the Astrological Record, 1908-09
  • E.Heine The Anti-Theatre and its Double
  • G.Evaes Yeats and Fiona Macleod Part I
  • W.Halloran In Fundamental Agreement: Yeats and Wyndham Lewis
  • P.Caracciolo and P.Edwards Staging The King's Threshold
  • R.Cave Noh, Fenollosa, Pound and Yeats - Have East and West Met?
  • M.Sekine Yeats and the Ghost of Wordsworth
  • M.Daruwala 'Last Things': Yeats, Philip Larkin and Seamus Heaney
  • C.McKenna PART II: MASTERING WHAT IS MOST ABSTRACT Yeats and the Thirteenth AEon
  • R.Heisler Yeats's Lightning Flash
  • T.Healey III PART III: SHORTER NOTES J. B. Yeats's Marginalia in The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poem s
  • M.Sidnell Variant Covers of The Secret Rose
  • V.Hyde W. B.Yeats and The Oxford Magazine
  • D.Kiely McGowan's Code: Deciphering John Masefield and Jack B.Yeats
  • P.Errington Crosby Gaige and W. B.Yeats's The Winding Stair (1929)
  • C.Smythe PART IV: REVIEWS 'Questing for an Appropriate Style of Dance' A Review Essay on Sylvia C.Ellis, The Plays of W. B. Yeats
  • Yeats and the Dancer
  • R.Cave James Pethica (ed.), Lady Gregory's Diaries 1892-1902
  • A.Frazier William M. Murphy. Family Secrets: William Butler Yeats and His Relatives
  • G.Lewis , The Yeats Sisters and the Cuala
  • J.Hardwick , The Yeats Sisters: A Biography of Susan and Elizabeth Yeats
  • J.Pethica Hazard Adams, The Book of Yeats's Vision: Romantic Modernism and Antithetical Tradition
  • C.McDowell Alasdair D.V.Macrae W.B.Yeats: A Literary Life
  • D.Kiely Roselinde Supheert, Yeats in Holland, The Reception of the Work of W. B.Yeats in the Netherlands before World War Two
  • K.Jochum 'Fashion and Cunning': A Review Essay on Jonthan Allison (ed.) Yeats's Political Identities
  • Selected Essays and Deborah Fleming. 'A Man Who Does Not Exist ': The Irish Peasant in the Work of W. B.Yeats and J. M.Synge
  • W.McCormack Publications Received

by "Nielsen BookData"

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  • Essays in honour of Eamonn Cantwell

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  • The living stream : essays in memory of A. Norman Jeffares

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    Open Book Publishers c2013 Yeats annual / edited by Richard J. Finneran no. 18 ; a special issue

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  • Yeats's mask

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    Open Book Publishers c2013 Yeats annual / edited by Richard J. Finneran no. 19 ; a special issue

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  • Influence and confluence

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    Palgrave Macmillan 2007 Yeats annual / edited by Richard J. Finneran no. 17, a special number

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  • Poems and contexts

    edited by Warwick Gould

    Palgrave Macmillan 2005 Yeats annual / edited by Richard J. Finneran no. 16, a special number

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  • Yeats's collaborations

    edited by Wayne K. Chapman and Warwick Gould

    Palgrave Macmillan 2002 Yeats annual / edited by Richard J. Finneran no. 15

    Available at 26 libraries

  • Yeats and the nineties

    edited by Warwick Gould

    Palgrave c2001 Yeats annual / edited by Richard J. Finneran no. 14, a special number

    Available at 23 libraries

  • That accusing eye : Yeats and his Irish readers

    edited by Warwick Gould and Edna Longley

    Macmillan 1996 Yeats annual / edited by Richard J. Finneran no. 12, a special number

    : hardcover

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  • Yeats and women

    edited by Deirdre Toomey

    Macmillan Academic 1992 Yeats annual / edited by Richard J. Finneran no. 9, a special number

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  • NCID
  • ISBN
    • 0333284747
    • 0333324560
    • 0333324579
    • 0333353323
    • 0333353331
    • 0333390725
    • 0333390733
    • 0333421124
    • 0333536363
    • 0333536371
    • 0333716396
  • Country Code
  • Title Language Code
  • Text Language Code
  • Place of Publication
    Basingstoke ; London
  • Pages/Volumes
  • Size
    23 cm
  • Classification
  • Subject Headings
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