
Tax policy and the economy

edited by Lawrence H. Summers

National Bureau of Economic Research , MIT Press, c1987-

  • v. 1 : hard
  • v. 1 : pbk
  • v. 2 : hard
  • v. 2 : pbk
  • v. 3 : hard
  • v. 3 : pbk
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  • v. 4 : pbk
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  • v. 6 : pbk
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  • v. 7 : pbk
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  • v. 8 : pbk
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  • v. 9 : pbk
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  • v. 10 : pbk
  • v. 11 : hard
  • v. 11 : pbk
  • v. 12 : hard
  • v. 12 : pbk
  • v. 13 : hard
  • v. 13 : pbk
  • v. 14 : hard
  • v. 14 : pbk
  • v. 15 : hard
  • v. 15 : pbk
  • v. 16 : hard
  • v. 16 : pbk
  • v. 17 : hard
  • v. 17 : pbk
  • v. 18 : hard
  • v. 18 : pbk
  • v. 19 : hardcover
  • v. 19 : pbk
  • v. 20 : hc
  • v. 20 : pbk
  • v. 21 : hc
  • v. 21 : pbk
  • v. 22 : hc
  • v. 22 : pbk
  • v. 23 : hardcover
  • v. 23 : pbk
  • v. 24 : hardcover
  • v. 24 : pbk
  • v. 25 : cl
  • v. 25 : pbk
  • v. 26 : cl
  • v. 26 : pbk
  • v. 27 : cl
  • v. 28 : hc
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  • v. 30 : hc
  • v. 31 : hc
  • v. 32 : hc
  • v. 33 : hc

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 146

  • 愛知学院大学 図書館 情報センター

    v. 26 : cl345/161/2601143723, v. 27 : cl345/161/2701147862, v. 28 : cl345/161/2801150575

  • 愛知大学 豊橋図書館

    v. 1 : hard345.253:N57:(1)8812006016, v. 2 : hard345.253:N57:(2)8812009642, v. 18 : hard345.253:N57:180412014549, v. 22 : hc345.253:N57:220812010549

  • 青森県立保健大学 附属図書館

    v. 11 : hard345.253||Ta97||1100050823

  • 青森公立大学 図書館

    v. 10 : pbk345.1/Ta97/100102100200370, v. 12 : pbk345.1/Ta97/120102100669696, v. 14 : hard345.1/Ta97/140102100584869, v. 19 : hardcover345.1/Ta97/190102100623049, v. 20 : pbk345.1/Ta97/200102100629935

  • 青山学院大学 図書館

    v. 1208702518, v. 2: pbk208801496, v. 4209001822, v. 5009109785, v. 6: pbk009317421, v. 7009317406, v. 10009932136, v. 13 : pbk009928664

  • 旭川市立大学 図書館

    v. 13 : hard345.1/Ta9/13144569, v. 14 : hard345.1/Ta97/14144584

  • 亜細亜大学 図書館

    v. 20 : pbk345.1/Ta 97/2012049125

  • 跡見学園女子大学 新座図書館

    v. 13 : hard345.253||Ta97||131112515554

  • 茨城大学 附属図書館

    v. 1 : pbk345:Tax:1119009807, v. 2 : pbk345:Tax:2119009808, v. 3 : pbk345:Tax:3119101437, v. 4 : pbk345:Tax:4119009809

  • 岩手県立大学 メディアセンター

    v. 11 : pbk345.253:T:11100923648

  • 追手門学院大学 附属図書館

    v. 1 : hard003849858, v. 2 : pbk100018272, v. 3 : hard003849866, v. 3 : pbk004521191, v. 4 : hard003637451, v. 5 : hard003637485, v. 6 : hard003696523, v. 7 : hard003637527, v. 8 : hard002933513, v. 9 : hard003326816, v. 10 : hard000912501, v. 11 : pbk000877183, v. 12 : pbk001290188, v. 13 : pbk001357813, v. 14 : pbk004305389, v. 15 : pbk004448445, v. 16 : pbk004604484, v. 17 : pbk004771374, v. 18 : pbk100018271, v. 19 : pbk100018270, v. 20 : pbk100018269, v. 21 : pbk100018268, v. 22 : hc100018267


  • 大分大学 学術情報拠点(図書館)

    v. 1 : hard336.2||T5-1||110445181

  • 大阪経済大学 図書館

    v. 5 : pbk345.1/Tax/520025397, v. 6 : pbk345.1/Tax/620025398, v. 7 : pbk345.1/Tax/720025399, v. 8 : pbk345.1/Tax/820025400, v. 10 : pbk345.1/Tax/1020025401

  • 大阪経済法科大学 図書館

    v. 10 : pbk345.1/SUM/1050697

  • 大阪公立大学 杉本図書館

    v. 8 : hard345.1//TA97//520911100152096

  • 大阪公立大学 杉本図書館図書館

    v. 1 : pbk345.08//TA97//434011790343401, v. 2 : hard345.08//TA97//434111790343419, v. 3 : hard345.08//TA97//434211790343427, v. 4 : hard345.08//TA97//434311790343435, v. 5 : hard345.08//TA97//434411790343443, v. 6 : hard345.08//TA97//434511790343450, v. 7 : hard345.08//TA97//434611790343468, v. 8 : hard345.08//TA97//434711790343476, v. 9 : hard345.08//TA97//434811790343484

  • 大阪公立大学 杉本図書館経済

    v. 1 : hard345.1//TA97//627411200162748, v. 2 : hard345.1//S11200011697, v. 3 : hard345.1/S11200043658, v. 4 : hard345.1//TA97//627511200162755, v. 7 : hard345.1//TA97//761111200176110, v. 9 : hard345.1//TA97//365711200236575, v. 10 : pbk345.1//TA97//763711200276373, v. 11 : hard345.1//TA97//956311200295639, v. 13 : hard345.1//TA97//448211200344825

  • 大阪公立大学 杉本図書館経研

    v. 1 : hardIXB//N57t//100050640382, v. 2 : hardIXB//N57t//200050640390, v. 3 : hardIXB//N57t//300050640408, v. 4 : hardIXB//N57t//400050640416

  • 大阪公立大学 中百舌鳥図書館

    v. 1 : hard1000966262, v. 5 : hard1000977454, v. 8 : hard2030002211

  • 大阪産業大学 綜合図書館

    v. 1 : hard345.1/TNA02508489, v. 1 : pbk345.1/TAX02229029, v. 2 : hard345.1/TNA02508497, v. 3 : hard345.1/TNA02508505, v. 4 : hard345.1/TNA02508513, v. 4 : pbk345.1/TAX02229037, v. 5 : hard345.1/TNA02508521

  • 大阪商業大学 図書館

    v. 17 : pbk345.1/Ta980373943

  • 大阪大学 附属図書館 総合図書館

    v. 18 : pbk10301844477, v. 26 : pbk10301843388

  • 岡山大学 附属図書館法学

    v. 3: pdk345.2||TS016000021839*

  • 岡山大学 附属図書館附属図

    v. 1 : hard345.2/T011218708882, v. 3345.2||T016000035008*, v. 5: pbk.345.2||T019000017288*, v. 8 : pbk345.2||T019000050737*, v. 11 : pbk345.2||TH019000105307*

  • 小樽商科大学 附属図書館

    v. 1 : hardS 4.5||00926||104180003104180, v. 2 : hardS 4.5||00926||104181003104181, v. 3 : hardS 4.5||00926||105903003105903, v. 4 : hardS 4.5||00926||106994003106994, v. 4 : pbkS 4.5||00926||106565003106565, v. 5 : hardS 4.5||00926||110670003110670, v. 21 : pbkS 4.5||00926||314842000314842, v. 22 : pbkS 4.5||00926||321988000321988

  • 香川大学 図書館

    v. 1 : pbk345.1/S,t/12112130501, v. 2 : pbk345.1/S,t/22112130741, v. 9 : pbk345.1/S,t/92112153298, v. 11 : hard345.1/S,t/112112161119

  • 鹿児島国際大学 附属図書館

    v. 1 : hard345.253//S.1//110000361580, v. 2 : hard345.253//S.1//210000361592, v. 3 : pbk345.253//S.1//310000361603, v. 6 : hard345.253//S.1//610000096587, v. 7 : pbkT1000239729*, v. 8 : hardT1000227175*, v. 11 : hardT1000269502*, v. 17 : pbk345.1//PJ10003727604

  • 神奈川大学 図書館

    v. 1 : hardAA8706837, v. 2 : pbkAA8805858, v. 3 : hardAA8905215, v. 4 : hardAA199801728, v. 5 : hardAA199801729, v. 6 : hardAA199801730, v. 7 : hardAA199801731, v. 8 : hardAA199801732, v. 10 : hardAA199801733, v. 11 : hardAA199801734, v. 12 : hardAA199801735, v. 13 : hardAA199902422, v. 14 : hardAA200100019, v. 15 : hardAA200400409, v. 16 : hardAA200401878, v. 17 : hardAA200401335, v. 18 : hardAA200401336, v. 19 : hardcoverAA200502639, v. 20 : hcAA200700484, v. 21 : hcAA200700485, v. 22 : hcAA200900649, v. 23 : hardcoverAA200906701, v. 24 : hardcoverAA201001810, v. 25 : clAA201101585, v. 26 : clAA201201837, v. 27 : clAA201301592, v. 28 : hcAA201401994, v. 29 : hcAA201600518, v. 30 : hcAA201602583, v. 31 : hcAA201700984, v. 32 : hcAA201800515

  • 金沢学院大学 図書館

    v. 14 : pbk345.1||Ta||345.1 TaY028182

  • 金沢星稜大学 図書館

    v. 1 : pbk345.1/TA97/10127440, v. 6 : pbk345.1/TA97/60127441, v. 7 : pbk345.1/TA97/70127442, v. 8 : pbk345.1/TA97/80127443, v. 9 : hard345.1/TA97/90127444, v. 13 : hard345.1/TA97/130127445, v. 14 : hard345.1/TA97/140127446

  • 関西大学 図書館

    v. 5 : hard207592993, v. 6 : hard207593001, v. 7 : hard207593019, v. 9 : hard207593027, v. 10 : hard207561052, v. 11 : hard207499616, v. 13 : hard207725691, v. 14 : hard208377891, v. 15 : hard208429077, v. 16 : hard220031711, v. 17 : hard220141738, v. 18 : hard220217840, v. 19 : hardcover220285900, v. 20 : hc220344787, v. 21 : hc220383227

  • 関西学院大学 図書館三田

    v. 11 : hard336.2:818:110029731940

  • 関西学院大学 図書館上ケ原

    v. 1 : pbk336.2:818:10097205355, v. 6 : pbk336.2:818:60001098169, v. 8 : pbk336.2:818:80001580760, v. 9 : hard336.2:818:90001964055, v. 11 : hard336.2:818:110002392264, v. 12 : hard336.2:818:120002601938, v. 14 : pbk336.2:818:140002842052, v. 16 : hard336.2:818:160003480191, v. 19 : hardcover336.2:818:190004107355, v. 24 : pbk336.2:818:240005385661, v. 27 : cl336.2:818:270005636949, v. 28 : hc336.2:818:280005810072, v. 30 : hc336.2:818:300006084818, v. 32 : hc336.2:818:320006375620

  • 九州大学 中央図書館

    V. 1.345.1/Ta 97-6/1068172189007394, V. 3.345.1/Ta 97-6/3068172190007093, V. 4.345.1/Ta 97-6/4068172190023627, V. 5.345.1/Ta 97-6/5068172191012094, V. 7.345.1/Ta 97-6/7068172193035044, v. 2345.1/Ta 97-6/2068172188005323

  • 九州産業大学 図書館

    v. 1 : pbk10327004, v. 2 : hard10555669, v. 8 : pbk10471416, v. 13 : pbk10682020, v. 16 : pbk10678064

  • 京都産業大学 図書館

    v. 1 : hard345.1||SUM||100504947, v. 2 : hard345.1||SUM||200521560, v. 6 : pbk345.1||SUM||600659676, v. 14 : hard345.1||SUM||1400950743

  • 京都女子大学 図書館

    v. 8 : hard345.1/Ta97/8/2994015021, v. 9 : hard345.1/Ta97/9/2994015072, v. 11 : hard345.1/Ta97/11/2994015838

  • 京都大学 経済学部 図書室経済図

    v. 1 : hardBII||4||TAX88058706, v. 2 : hardBII||4||TAX88058707, v. 2 : pbkBII||4||TAX90099633, v. 4 : hardBII||4||TAX92060656, v. 4 : pbkBII||4||TAX90089521, v. 5 : pbkBII||4||TAX93048063, v. 7 : hardBII||4||TAX93022058, v. 7 : pbkBII||4||TAX93023799, v. 9 : hardBII||4||TAX95016834, v. 10 : hardBII||4||TAX97013520, v. 11 : hardBII||4||TAX97047822, v. 12 : hardBII||4||TAX98028796, v. 13 : hardBII||4||TAX99097523, v. 14 : hardBII||4||TAX00075289, v. 15 : hardBII||4||TAX01026339, v. 16 : hardBII||4||TAX02028557, v. 17 : hardBII||4||TAX03043757, v. 18 : hardBII||4||TAX04046540, v. 20 : hcBII||4||TAX06053225, v. 22 : hcBII||4||TAX200007126395, v. 23 : hardcoverBII||4||TAX200016261197, v. 24 : hardcoverBII||4||TAX200016333377, v. 25 : pbkBII||4||TAX200016413800, v. 27 : clBII||4||TAX200031346349, v. 28 : hcBII||4||TAX200031361784, v. 32 : hcBII||4||TAX200039205572, v. 3BII||4||TAX89035087, v. 6BII||4||TAX92020306, v. 8BII||4||TAX94023118

  • 京都大学 法学部 図書室

    v. 7 : pbkAIII||9-8||T3994064227, v. 8 : pbkAIII||9-8||T3994064228, v. 9 : pbkAIII||9-8||T3995014591, v. 10 : pbkAIII||9-8||T3996033168, v. 11 : pbkAIII||9-8||T3997050563, v. 12 : pbkAIII||9-8||T3998031194, v. 13 : pbkAIII||9-8||T3999073747, v. 15 : pbkAIII||9-8||T3901073540, v. 16 : pbkAIII||9-8||T3902048122, v. 18 : pbkAIII||9-8||T3905007493, v. 20 : pbkAIII||9-8||T3906045284, v. 21 : pbkAIII||9-8||T39200005752446, v. 28 : hcAIII||9-8||T39200031283196

  • 京都大学 大学院地球環境学堂

    v. 3 : pbk345.1||Ta97||3200023605007, v. 19 : pbk345.1||Ta97||1906065636, v. 22 : hc345.1||Ta97||22200004713620, v. 23 : hardcover345.1||Ta97||23200015992818


  • 近畿大学 中央図書館中図

    v. 11 : hard345.253-Ta97-1110351328, v. 13 : hard345.253-Ta97-1310356877, v. 14 : hard345.253-Ta97-1410361621, v. 15 : hard345.253-Ta97-1510363322, v. 16 : hard345.253-Ta97-1610365285, v. 17 : hard10369088, v. 18 : hard10372025, v. 19 : hardcover10373838, v. 21 : hc10376287, v. 22 : hc19014718, v. 23 : hardcover10381791, v. 25 : cl10383159, v. 26 : cl10385374, v. 27 : cl10386074, v. 28 : hc10386955, v. 29 : hc10388501, v. 30 : hc10388555, v. 31 : hc10389144, v. 32 : hc10389678, v. 24 : hc10381646

  • 釧路公立大学 附属図書館

    v. 1 : pbkF345.1/T/110015644, v. 2 : pbkF345.1/T/210015645, v. 3 : pbkF345.1/T/310015646, v. 4 : pbkF345.1/T/410015647, v. 5 : pbkF345.1/T/510015648, v. 11 : pbkF345.1/T/1110014904

  • 熊本学園大学 図書館

    v. 1 : hard345.1/TA9700344446, v. 1 : pbk345.1/TA9700344497, v. 2 : hard345.1/TA9700344447, v. 3 : hard345.1/TA9700410900, v. 3 : pbk345.1/TA9700409280, v. 4 : hard345.1/TA9700410901, v. 4 : pbk345.1/TA9700349595, v. 5 : hard345.1/TA9700410902, v. 5 : pbk345.1/TA9700372739, v. 6 : hard345.1/TA9700377861, v. 7 : pbk345.1/TA9700409284, v. 8 : pbk345.1/TA9700418010, v. 9 : hard345.1/TA9700435259, v. 15 : pbk345.1/TA9700564264, v. 20 : pbk345.1/TA9700692591, v. 21 : pbk345.1/TA9700692592, v. 24 : pbk345.1/TA9700771480

  • 熊本県立大学 図書館

    v. 7 : hard336.2||P 840000155688, v. 8 : hard336.2||P 840000155689, v. 9 : pbk336.2||P 840000163930, v. 10 : hard336.9||P 84||100000183988, v. 11 : hard336.2||P 84||110000191628, v. 14 : hard336.2||P 84||140000236733, v. 15 : hard336.2||P 84||150000254612

  • 熊本大学 附属図書館図書館

    v. 1 : pbk345.1/Ta,9811101001356, v. 4345.1/Ta,98/(4)11101457260

  • 公益財団法人租税資料館資料閲覧室

    v. 1 : hard345.1/N3M00500585, v. 2 : hard345.1/N3M00500586, v. 3 : hard345.1/N3M00500587, v. 4 : hard345.1/N3M00500588, v. 5 : hard345.1/N3M00500589, v. 6 : hard345.1/N3M00500590, v. 7 : hard345.1/N3M00500591, v. 8 : hard345.1/N3M00500592, v. 9 : hard345.1/N3M00500593, v. 10 : hard345.1/N3M00500595, v. 11 : hard345.1/N3M00500596, v. 12 : hard345.1/N3M00500597, v. 13 : hard345.1/N3M00500598, v. 14 : hard345.1/N3M00502498, v. 15 : hard345.1/N3M00507765, v. 17 : hard345.1/N3M00507776, v. 18 : hard345.1/N3M00507777, v. 19 : hardcover345.1/P3M00507743, v. 20 : hc345.1/N3M00508269, v. 21 : hc345.1/N3M00508270, v. 24 : hc345.1/N3U00511311, v. 27 : cl345.1/N3U00511011, v. 27 : hc345.1/N3U00511393


  • 甲南女子大学 図書館

    v. 16 : pbk345.1/TAX/1600330748

  • 甲南大学 図書館

    v. 10 : pbk0623295, v. 11 : pbk0623299, v. 12 : pbk0623301, v. 13 : pbk0632585, v. 14 : pbk0656679, v. 15 : pbk0651561, v. 16 : pbk0656211, v. 17 : pbk0662585, v. 18 : pbk0669097, v. 19 : pbk0675977, v. 20 : pbk0677843

  • 神戸学院大学 図書館 ポートアイランドキャンパス館

    v. 5 : pbk345.253||Tax||592YI002894, v. 6 : pbk345.253||Tax||695121085, v. 7 : pbk345.253||Tax||794140454, v. 10 : pbk345.253||Tax||1096122963, v. 11 : pbk345.253||Tax||119705407, v. 13 : pbk345.253||Tax||130012494, v. 14 : pbk345.253||Tax||140012495, v. 15 : hard345.253||Tax||150202081, v. 16 : pbk345.253||Tax||160205853, v. 17 : pbk345.253||Tax||171602930, v. 18 : pbk345.253||Tax||180513120, v. 19 : pbk345.253||Tax||190517146, v. 20 : pbk345.253||Tax||200910745, v. 22 : pbk345.253||Tax||221101299, v. 8 : pbk345.253||Tax||82202878, v. 9 : pbk345.253||Tax||92202879, v. 12 : pbk345.253||Tax||122202880

  • 公立大学法人 福井県立大学 附属図書館

    v. 8 : pbk94005340, v. 7 : hard94007917


  • 国際大学 松下図書・情報センター

    v. 1 : pbk345.1-T235T057187, v. 2 : pbk345.1-T235T064595, v. 21 : hc345.1||T235||2007T110240


  • 埼玉大学 図書館経済

    v. 1345.1:T:188-30196, v. 2345.1:T:2Y8013883, v. 3345.1:T:3Y9014736, v. 4345.1:T:4Y0035529, v. 5345.1:T:5Y1025648, v. 6 : pbk345.1:T:6Y2016643, v. 7345.1:T:793-31426, v. 8345.1:T:894-31160, v. 9345.1:T:9Y5007455, v. 10345.1:T:10963108900, v. 12020001821

  • 佐賀大学 附属図書館

    v. 4 : pbk345.1-Ta97-4129000949, v. 5 : pbk345.1-Ta97-5129102935, v. 7 : pbk345.1-Ta97-7129400520, v. 8 : pbk345.1-Ta97-8129400941, v. 11 : pbk345.1-Ta97-11129700461, v. 12 : pbk345.1-Ta97-12129800668, v. 13 : pbk345.1-Ta97-13120000696, v. 14 : pbk345.1-Ta97-14120000585, v. 15 : pbk345.1-Ta97-15120100938, v. 16 : pbk345.1-Ta97-16120200558, v. 17 : pbk345.1-Ta 97-171403001907, v. 18 : pbk345.1-Ta97-181204005831, v. 20 : pbk345.1-Ta 97-201206004242, v. 21 : pbk345.1-Ta 97-211207000912, v. 22 : hc345.1-Ta 97-221208003770, v. 23 : hardcover345.1-Ta 97-231209004988, v. 24 : pbk345.1-Ta 97-241210003181, v. 26 : pbk345.1-Ta 97-261212001890, v. 27 : cl345.1-Ta 97-271213004452, v. 28 : hc345.1-Ta 97-281214003566

  • 札幌国際大学 図書館

    v. 1 : hard345.1||Ta||12:114617, v. 2 : hard345.1||Ta||22:114618, v. 3 : hard345.1||Ta||32:114619, v. 4 : hard345.1||Ta||42:114620, v. 5 : hard345.1||Ta||52:114621

  • 札幌学院大学 図書館

    v. 3 : hard0893020087, v. 50910030855, v. 12 : pbk2000714188

  • 滋賀大学 附属図書館

    v. 2 : pbk330.9||T 19088005105, v. 3 : hard330.9||T 19||3090002029, v. 4 : hard330.9||T 19||4090002030, v. 6 : pbk330.9||T 19||6092001563, v. 9 : hard330.9||T 19||9095001488, v. 9 : pbk330.9||T 19||9095006929, v. 12 : pbk330.9||T 19||12098001285, v. 14 : pbk330.9||T 19||14000001538, v. 17 : pbk330.9||T 19||17003002138

  • 静岡県立大学 附属図書館 草薙図書館

    v. 1 : hard345.1||Ta97||12:97161538

  • 島根大学 附属図書館

    v. 9 : pbkNDC:345.1/Ta97/9, v. 10 : pbkNDC:345.1/Ta97/10, v. 11 : pbkNDC:345.1/Ta97/11, v. 13 : pbkNDC:345.1/Ta97/13, v. 14 : pbkNDC:345.1/Ta97/14

  • 湘南工科大学 附属図書館

    v. 1 : pbk81184, v. 2 : pbk81185

  • 信州大学 附属図書館 中央図書館

    v. 4345.1:TA970010044808, v. 2 : hard345.1:Ta970015319205

  • 城西大学 水田記念図書館

    v. 1 : pbk0091086834, v. 2 : pbk0091086845, v. 3 : pbk0091086856, v. 4 : pbk0091086867, v. 5 : hard0091086878, v. 5 : pbk0091086878, v. 6 : pbk5200453699, v. 7 : hard5200156520, v. 8 : pbk5200531158, v. 9 : hard5200156531, v. 10 : pbk5200453702, v. 11 : pbk5200453713, v. 12 : hard5200150318, v. 13 : hard5200156542, v. 14 : hard5200150329, v. 15 : hard5200153572, v. 16 : pbk5200453735, v. 17 : pbk5200453724, v. 18 : hard5200454348, v. 20 : hc5200747557, v. 21 : hc5200742916, v. 22 : hc5200846977, v. 23 : hardcover5200942850, v. 25 : cl5201158546, v. 26 : cl5201245415, v. 27 : cl5201353008, v. 28 : hc5201451132, v. 29 : hc5201628429, v. 30 : hc5201650907, v. 31 : hc5201740858, v. 32 : hc5201835738, v. 33 : hc5201931052, v.155200153572, v. 19 : hard5200563578, v. 24 : hc5201052583

  • 駿河台大学 メディアセンター

    v. 9 : hard345.1||Ta 97||199510012745, v. 11 : hard345.1||Ta 97||1110017476

  • 成蹊大学 図書館

    v. 1 : hbk336.2/Ta97/10091202190, v. 2 : hbk336.2/Ta97/20091202191, v. 3 : hbk336.2/Ta97/30091202192, v. 4 : hbk336.2/Ta97/40091202193, v. 5 : hbk336.2/Ta97/50091201972, v. 6 : hbk336.2/Ta97/60092201395, v. 8 : hbk336.2/Ta97/80094201487, v. 9 : hbk336.2/Ta97/90095203246, v. 10 : hbk336.2/Ta97/100096203192, v. 11 : hbk336.2/Ta97/110097200809, v. 12 : hbk336.2/Ta97/120098200765, v. 13 : hbk336.2/Ta97/130099201357, v. 14 : hbk336.2/Ta97/142000201344, v. 15 : hbk336.2/Ta97/152001201202, v. 16 : hbk336.2/Ta97/162002201433, v. 17 : hbk336.2/Ta97/172003201355, v. 18 : hbk336.2/Ta97/182004204140, v. 19 : hbk336.2/Ta97/192005201376, v. 20 : hc336.2/Ta97/202006201162, v. 21 : hc336.2/Ta97/212007200924, v. 22 : hc336.2/Ta97/222008201270, v. 7 : hard336.2/Ta97/70093201988, v. 10 : hard336.2/Ta97/100096203192, v. 11 : hard336.2/Ta97/110097200809, v. 23 : hardcover336.2/Ta97/232009200785, v. 12 : hard336.2/Ta97/120098200765, v. 13 : hard336.2/Ta97/130099201357, v. 14 : hard336.2/Ta97/142000201344, v. 15 : hard336.2/Ta97/152001201202, v. 16 : hard336.2/Ta97/162002201433, v. 17 : hard336.2/Ta97/172003201355, v. 18 : hard336.2/Ta97/182004204140, v. 19 : hardcover336.2/Ta97/192005201376, v. 24 : hardcover336.2/Ta97/242010201163, v. 25 : cl336.2||Ta97||252011201428, v. 26 : cl336.2||Ta97||262012201183, v. 28 : hc336.2||Ta97||282014201670, v. 27 : cl336.2||Ta97||272013201170, v. 29 : hc336.2||Ta97||292016200234, v. 30 : hc336.2||Ta97||302016200859, v. 32 : hc336.2||Ta97||322018200398, v. 33 : hc336.2||Ta97||332019200385

  • 政策研究大学院大学 図書館

    v. 1 : pbk00468347, v. 2 : pbk00468358, v. 3 : pbk00468360, v. 4 : pbk00468371, v. 5 : pbk00468382, v. 6 : pbk00468393, v. 7 : pbk00468405, v. 8 : hard00065351, v. 8 : pbk00468416, v. 9 : pbk00468427, v. 10 : hard00065362, v. 10 : pbk00468438, v. 11 : hard00065373, v. 11 : pbk00468440, v. 12 : pbk00468451, v. 13 : pbk00558528, v. 15 : pbk00677498, v. 16 : hard00780610, v. 17 : hard00828046, v. 18 : pbk345.1||Ta97||1800861218, v. 20 : hc345.1||Ta97||2000989884, v. 26 : cl345.1||Ta97||2601303214, v. 28 : hc345.1||Ta97||2801389594, v. 31 : hc345.1||Ta97||3101445160

  • 成城大学 図書館

    v. 1 : hardA5270, v. 2 : hardA12335, v. 3 : hard399369, v. 4 : hardA20384, v. 5 : hard410452, v. 6 : hard415472, v. 7 : hard419844, v. 8 : hard424398, v. 9 : hard429209, v. 10 : hard448033, v. 11 : hard449138, v. 12 : hardY010485, v. 13 : hardY028538, v. 14 : hardY047288, v. 15 : hardY058643, v. 16 : hardY077214, v. 17 : hardY092922, v. 18 : hardY110016, v. 19 : hardcoverY122354, v. 20 : hcY135914, v. 21 : hcY145156, v. 22 : hcY164746, v. 23 : hardcoverY176960, v. 24 : hardcoverY195145, v. 25 : clY207133, v. 26 : clY222662, v. 27 : clY240194, v. 28 : hcY251559, v. 29 : hcY269386, v. 31 : hcY282210, v. 32 : hcY292605,Y292606, v. 33 : hcY303210,Y304035

  • 西南学院大学 図書館


  • 専修大学 図書館

    v. 15 : hard20485420, v. 16 : hard20492298, v. 17 : hard20499554, v. 18 : hard20514950, v. 19 : hardcover20526093, v. 20 : hc20532941, v. 21 : hc20533979, v. 22 : hc20550967, v. 23 : hardcover20554362, v. 24 : hardcover20564544, v. 25 : cl20573680, v. 26 : cl20584235, v. 27 : cl20592043, v. 28 : hc20600310

  • 専修大学 図書館 神田分館

    v. 17 : hard20516322

  • 高崎経済大学 図書館

    v. 15 : pbk345.1||Ta97||15005319850

  • 高千穂大学 図書館

    v. 11 : hard345.1||Ta97||11Y5-063


  • 高松大学 附属図書館

    v. 10 : hard99201829, v. 13 : hard99201807


  • 拓殖大学 図書館

    v. 12 : pbk345.1||12||308200629079, v. 13 : hard345.1||13||308200632017, v. 14 : hard345.1||14||308200627942, v. 15 : hard345.1||15||308200628488, v. 16 : hard345.1||16||308200645094, v. 17 : hard345.1||17||308200630436, v. 18 : hard345.1||18||308200645095, v. 19 : hardcover345.1||19||308200656648, v. 20 : hc345.1||20||308200669417, v. 27 : cl345.1||27||308200782842, v. 28 : hc345.1||28||308200782843, v. 29 : hc345.1||29||308200794318, v. 30 : hc345.1||30||308200800914, v. 31 : hc345.1||31||308200809076, v. 32 : hc345.1||32||308200822059, v. 33 : hc345.1||33||308200834805

  • 拓殖大学 八王子図書館

    v. 11 : hard345.1||11||308200571927

  • 千葉商科大学 付属図書館

    v. 1 : hard345.08/T787/1U706664903, v. 2 : hard345.08/T787/28800445002, v. 3 : hard345.08/T787/38900256404, v. 4 : hard345.08/T787/49000446300, v. 5 : hard345.08/T787/59100763403, v. 6 : hard345.08/T787/69200828106, v. 7 : hard345.08/T787/79302096900, v. 8 : hard345.08/T787/89401382209, v. 9 : hard345.08/T787/99500604607, v. 10 : hard345.08/T787/109600775800, v. 11 : hard345.08/T787/119700130702, v. 12 : hard345.08/T787/129800682900, v. 13 : hard345.08/T787/139900349623, v. 14 : hard345.08/T787/140000075680, v. 15 : hard345.08/T787/150400013838, v. 16 : pbk345.08/T787/160400054259, v. 17 : hard345.08/T787/170400054240, v. 18 : hard345.08/T787/180400054267, v. 19 : hardcover345.08/T787/190500044130, v. 20 : hc345.08/T787/200700064572, v. 21 : hc345.08/T787/210700064580, v. 22 : hc345.08/T787/220900045667, v. 23 : hardcover345.08/T787/230900113174, v. 24 : hc345.08/T787/241000077291, v. 25 : cl345.08/T787/251100074527, v. 26 : cl345.08/T787/261200073334, v. 27 : cl345.08/T787/271300078654, v. 28 : hc345.08/T787/281400040240, v. 29 : hc345.08/T787/291600026719, v. 30 : hc345.08/T787/301600076570, v. 31 : hc345.08/T787/311700074896, v. 32 : hc345.08/T787/321800036552, v. 33 : hc345.08/T787/331900048950

  • 千葉大学 附属図書館

    v. 1 : pbk345.1/TAX00087871011, v. 8 : pbk345.1/TAX00096054043, v. 11 : pbk345.1/TAX20000886270, v. 12 : pbk345.1/TAX20000886485, v. 14 : pbk345.1/TAX20000048263, v. 2 : pbk345.1/TAX00088184556, v. 3 : pbk345.1/TAX00089110126, v. 4 : pbk345.1/TAX00090838094, v. 5 : pbk345.1/TAX00092136407, v. 6 : pbk345.1/TAX00092136395, v. 7 : pbk345.1/TAX00094809007, v. 9 : pbk345.1/TAX00095826546

  • 筑波大学 附属図書館 中央図書館

    v. 3 : pbk10089701689, v. 5 : hard10091380356, v. 6 : pbk10092381027, v. 7 : pbk10093380625, v. 8 : hard10094380597, v. 10 : pbk345.253-Su67-10100967026300

  • 帝京大学 図書館

    v. 2 : pbk345.253/N-57/0010032269

  • 帝塚山大学 図書館 本館 (東生駒キャンパス図書館)

    v. 1 : pbk339.51//S3//11100117238, v. 2 : pbk339.51//S3//21100117724, v. 3 : pbk339.51//S3//31100119453, v. 4 : pbk339.51//S3//41100201096, v. 5 : pbk339.51//S3//51100257012, v. 6 : pbk339.51//S3//61100257013, v. 7 : pbk339.51//S3//71100257014, v. 8 : pbk339.51//S3//81100257015, v. 9 : pbk339.51//S3//91100245236, v. 10 : pbk339.51//S3//101100253652, v. 11 : pbk339.51//S3//111100282890, v. 12 : pbk339.51//S3//121100291037, v. 13 : pbk339.51//S3//131100297539, v. 14 : pbk339.51//S3//141100307901, v. 15 : pbk339.51//S3//151100316842, v. 16 : pbk339.51//S3//161100324292, v. 17 : pbk339.51//S3//171100330825, v. 18 : pbk339.51//S3//181100340399, v. 19 : pbk339.51//S3//191100344521, v. 20 : pbk339.51//S3//201100349162, v. 21 : pbk339.51//S3//211100355442, v. 22 : hc339.51//S3//221100362723, v. 23 : hardcover339.51//S3//231100367832, v. 24 : pbk339.51//S3//241100372729, v. 25 : pbk339.51//S3//251100377193, v. 26 : pbk339.51//S3//261100379972, v. 27 : cl339.51//S3//271100386153, v. 28 : hc339.51//S3//281100389285, v. 29 : hc339.51//S3//291100394671, v. 30 : hc339.51//S3//301100395593

  • 東海大学 付属図書館11

    v. 5 : pbk345.1/T/501859007, v. 8 : hard345.1/T/701856031, v. 9 : hard345.1/T/901926235, v. 10 : hard345.1/T/1001926234

  • 東京大学 経済学図書館図書

    v. 1 : hard38:1309:15510175853, v. 2 : hard38:1309:25510275414, v. 3 : hard38:1309:35510479586, v. 4 : hard38:1309:45510637860, v. 5 : hard38:1309:55510778573, v. 6 : hard38:1309:65510939647, v. 7 : hard38:1309:75511077108, v. 8 : hard38:1309:85511203712, v. 9 : hard38:1309:95511296021, v. 10 : hard38:1309:105511415027, v. 11 : hard38:1309:115511560152, v. 12 : hard38:1309:125511683855, v. 13 : hard38:1309:135511853300, v. 14 : hard38:1309:145511971862, v. 15 : hard38:1309:155512062836, v. 16 : hard38:1309:165512160796, v. 17 : hard38:1309:175512265660, v. 18 : hard38:1309:185512361063, v. 19 : hardcover38:1309:195512506436, v. 20 : hard38:1309:205512609024, v. 21 : hard38:1309:215512689331, v. 22 : hard38:1309:225512844217, v. 23 : hardcover38:1309:235512920918, v. 24 : hc38:1309:245513064732, v. 25 : cl38:1309:255513309285, v. 26 : cl38:1309:265513433580, v. 27 : cl38:1309:275513576735

  • 東京大学 駒場図書館

    v. 9 : pbk336.2:Ta973911193963

  • 東京大学 社会科学研究所図書

    v. 1 : pbkCa:1704:53:16506411526

  • 東京大学 法学部

    v. 1: pbkE36:S955:T874101225961, v. 2: pbkE36:S955:T874101904656, v. 3: pbkE36:S955:T874101904664, v. 4: pbkE36:S955:T874101225953, v. 5: pbkE36:S955:T874130024278, v. 6: pbkE36:S955:T874130024260, v. 7 : pbkE36:S955:T874112121860, v. 11: hbkE36:S955:T874130300157, v. 12: pbkE36:S955:T874111429462, v. 13: pbkE36:S955:T874130318845, v. 14 : pbkE36:S955:T874111429454, v. 15 : pbkE36:S955:T874111425122, v. 16 : pbkE36:S955:T874111425114, v. 17 : pbkE36:S955:T874111425106

  • 東北公益文科大学 図書館本館

    v. 16 : hard345.1||PO0120004712

  • 東洋英和女学院大学 図書館

    v. 1 : pbk345.253||Ta97||v.1087981

  • 東洋学園大学 図書館本郷

    v. 25 : pbk345/Ta/2521201549


  • 徳島大学 附属図書館

    v. 2 : hard345.1||Ta||2018801493, v. 1 : hard345.1||Ta||1018701369, v. 3 : hard345.1||Ta||3018900434, v. 3 : pbk345.1||Ta||3018990343, v. 4 : hard345.1||Ta||4019000934, v. 5 : hard345.1||Ta||5019100901, v. 6 : hard345.1||Ta||6019200781, v. 7 : hard345.1||Ta||7019300817, v. 8 : hard345.1||Ta||8019400716, v. 9 : hard345.1||Ta||9019502688, v. 10 : hard345.1||Ta||10019600689, v. 11 : hard345.1||Ta||11297001856, v. 12 : hard345.1||Ta||12298001770, v. 13 : hard345.1||Ta||13299001851, v. 14 : hard345.1||Ta||14200001746, v. 15 : hard345.1||Ta||15201002970, v. 16 : hard345.1||Ta||16202001368, v. 17 : hard345.1||Ta||17203002049

  • 富山大学 附属図書館

    v. 1 : pbk345.1||Su6||Ta=100152097, v. 2 : pbk345.1||Su6||Ta=200162000, v. 3 : pbk345.1||Su6||Ta=321001816, v. 4 : pbk345.1||Su6||Ta=421008497, v. 5 : pbk345.1||Su6||Ta=521010223, v. 6 : pbk345.1||Su6||Ta=621014482, v. 7 : pbk345.1||Su6||Ta=721017632, v. 8 : pbk345.1||Su6||Ta=821021075, v. 9 : pbk345.1||Su6||Ta=921025114, v. 10 : pbk345.1||Su6||Ta=1051003283, v. 11 : pbk345.1||Su6||Ta=1121030198, v. 12 : pbk345.1||Su6||Ta=1221033729, v. 13 : pbk345.1||Su6||Ta=1321036210, v. 14 : pbk345.1||Su6||Ta=1421038221, v. 15 : pbk345.1||Su6||Ta=1521040409, v. 16 : pbk345.1||Su6||Ta=1621042163, v. 20 : pbk345.1||Su6||Ta=2020061011755, v. 24 : hardcover345.1||Su6||Ta=2420111002486

  • 豊橋技術科学大学 附属図書館

    v. 2 : hard345.1||TA||289902236

  • 中村学園大学 図書館

    v. 5 : hard345.1//B 71//199105742532, v. 6 : hard345.1//P 84//199205742544, v. 7 : hard345.1//P 84//199305742556, v. 8 : hard345.253//P 83//199405742568, v. 9 : hard345.253//P 84//199505742571, v. 10 : hard345.253//P 84//199605742583, v. 11 : hard345.1//P 84//199705742595, v. 12 : hard345.1//P 84//199805742606


  • 長岡大学 図書館

    v. 13 : hard345.1||13||10048091004809


  • 長崎県立大学 佐世保校 附属図書館

    v. 12 : pbk345.1||Ta97||1201783373, v. 13 : hard345.1||Ta97||1301864983, v. 13 : pbk345.1||Ta97||1301929466, v. 14 : hard345.1||TA97||1402037257, v. 16 : pbk345.1||Ta97||1602181771, v. 17 : pbk345.1||Ta97||1702317580, v. 20 : pbk345.1||Ta97||2002514151

  • 長崎大学 附属図書館 経済学部分館

    v. 2 : pbk345.1||Su67||23854106, v. 3 : hard345.1||Su67||3a3855408, v. 3 : pbk345.1||Su67||33855361, v. 5 : pbk345.1||Su67||53859132, v. 6 : hard345.1||Su67||63860829, v. 13 : pbk345.1||Su67||133502129, v. 18 : pbk345.1||Su67||183157341, v. 22 : pbk345.1||Su67||223509197

  • 名古屋市立大学 総合情報センター 山の畑分館

    v. 2 : pbk345.1||Ta||250000958, v. 3 : pbk345.1||Ta||350001884, v. 4 : pbk345.1||Ta||450091667, v. 5 : pbk345.1||Ta||550166122, v. 10 : pbk345.1||Ta||1040435666, v. 18 : pbk345.1||Ta||1841526470

  • 名古屋大学 経済学 図書室経済

    v. 1 : hard345.1||Ta97||140937175, v. 2 : hard345.1||Ta97||240957106, v. 3 : hard345.1||Ta97||340990434, v. 4 : hard345.1||Ta97||441040381, v. 6 : hard345.1||Ta97||641056941, v. 7 : hard345.1||Ta97||741082932, v. 8 : hard345.1||Ta97||841117408, v. 9 : hard345.1||Ta97||941142093, v. 10 : hard345.1||Ta97||1041164539, v. 14 : hard345.1||Ta97||1441266036, v. 16 : hard345.1||Ta97||1641315364, v. 20 : pbk345.1||Ta97||2041420459, v. 21 : pbk345.1||Ta97||2141436248, v. 22 : pbk345.1||Ta97||2241535214, v. 25 : cl345.1||Ta97||2541535184, v. 26 : cl345.1||Ta97||2641557009

  • 名古屋大学 情報・言語合同図書室情報・言語

    v. 1 : hard345.1||Su50035779, v. 2 : hard345.1||Su50035780, v. 3 : hard345.1||Su50040507

  • 奈良県立大学 附属図書館

    v. 8 : pbk345.1-Tax431004111

  • 奈良女子大学 学術情報センター

    v. 1 : pbkF336.2||10392200293, v. 2 : pbkF336.2||10392200294, v. 3 : pbkF336.2||10392200295

  • 南山大学 ライネルス中央図書館

    v. 14: hbk0856641, v. 15 : hbk0895396, v. 13: hbk0818335, v. 10: hbk0733760, v. 1: pbk0487073, v. 12:hbk0786529

  • 新潟大学 附属図書館

    v. 1 : pbk345.1//Ta97//11880061876, v. 2 : pbk345.1//Ta97//21880085443, v. 4 : hard345.1//Ta97//41920069097, v. 5 : hard345.1//Ta97//51920069100, v. 7 : hard345.1//Ta97//7194020035, v. 8 : hard345.1//Ta97//8194020036, v. 9 : pbk345.1//Ta97//9197007482, v. 10 : hard345.1//Ta97//101960071663, v. 11 : hard345.1//Ta97//111970279302, v. 12 : hard345.1//Ta97//121980073929, v. 13 : hard345.1//Ta97//131990070280, v. 14 : hard345.1//Ta97//141000051792, v. 15 : hard345.1//Ta97//151010039367, v. 15 : pbk345.1//Ta97//151010095171, v. 16 : hard345.1//Ta97//161020054673, v. 17 : hard345.1//Ta97//171030062517, v. 18 : hard345.1//Ta97//181040044902, v. 19 : hardcover345.1//Ta97//191050076616, v. 21 : hc345.1//Ta97//211070008821, v. 22 : hc345.1//Ta97//221080067425, v. 23 : hardcover345.1//Ta97//231090047706, v. 25 : cl345.1//Ta97//251110078897, v. 26 : cl345.1//Ta97//261120034707, v. 27 : cl345.1//Ta97//271130064011, v. 28 : hc345.1//Ta97//281300063340, v. 24 : hc345.1//Ta97//241100064857, v. 20 : hard345.1//Ta97//201060053155, v. 23345.1//Ta97//231090047706

  • 日本大学 商学部図書館

    v. 1 : hard345.1||Ta 97||13707-87, v. 2 : hard345.1||Ta 97||22369-88, v. 3 : hard345.1||Ta 97||32024-89, v. 4 : hard345.1||Ta 97||42009-90, v. 5 : hard345.1||Ta 97||51087-91, v. 6 : hard345.1||Ta 97||61272-92, v. 7 : hard345.1||Ta 97||71495-93, v. 8 : hard345.1||Ta 97||81466-94, v. 9 : hard345.1||Ta 97||90731-95, v. 10 : hard345.1||Ta 97||100673-96, v. 11 : hard345.1||Ta 97||110942-97, v. 12 : hard345.1||Ta 97||121998B1267, v. 13 : hard345.1||Ta 97||131999B0764, v. 14 : hard345.1||Ta 97||142000B1213, v. 15 : hard345.1||Ta 97||152001B1035, v. 16 : hard345.1||Ta 97||16, v. 17 : hard345.1||Ta 97||17, v. 18 : hard345.1||Ta 97||18, v. 19 : hard345.1||Ta 97||19, v. 20 : hard345.1||Ta 97||20, v. 21 : hard345.1||Ta 97||21, v. 22 : hard345.1||Ta 97||22, v. 23 : hard345.1||Ta 97||23, v. 24 : hard345.1||Ta 97||24, v. 25 : hard345.1||Ta 97||25


  • 日本福祉大学 付属図書館

    v. 1 : hard1500585979, v. 2 : hard1500626021, v. 3 : hard1500683295, v. 4 : hard1500728835, v. 5 : hard1500783640, v. 6 : hard1500809445, v. 7 : hard1500850100, v. 8 : hard1500902877, v. 9 : hard1500937550, v. 10 : hard1500986607, v. 11 : hard1501010811, v. 12 : hard1501026122, v. 13 : hard1501042459, v. 14 : hard1501056764, v. 15 : hard1501081242, v. 16 : hard1501099822, v. 17 : hard1501115560, v. 18 : hard1501125858, v. 19 : hardcover1501134447, v. 20 : hard1501144685, v. 21 : hc1501151011, v. 22 : hc1501162448, v. 23 : hardcover1501168338, v. 24 : hardcover1501182974, v. 25 : cl1501192452, v. 26 : cl1501205189, v. 27 : cl1501212920, v. 28 : hc1501216616, v. 29 : hc1501229205, v. 30 : hc1501232662, v. 31 : hc1501239097, v. 32 : hc1501243792, v. 33 : hc1501247678

  • 阪南大学 図書館

    v. 1 : pbk345.1||25||121000073805

  • 一橋大学 千代田キャンパス図書室

    v. 4 : pbk*K3450**103**49299011895, v. 5 : pbk*K3450**103**5929901190/, v. 6 : pbk*K3450**103**6929901191+, v. 7 : pbk*K3450**103**7929901192%, v. 9 : pbk*K3450**103**99299011930, v. 10 : pbk*K3450**103**109299011941, v. 11 : pbk*K3450**103**119299011952, v. 12 : pbk*K3450**103**129299011963, v. 13 : pbk*K3450**103**139299011974, v. 14 : pbk*K3450**103**14120205902L, v. 15 : pbk*K3450**103**15120205903M, v. 16 : pbk*K3450**103**16120205904N, v. 17 : hbk*K3450**103**17120308573T

  • 一橋大学 附属図書館

    v. 19 : hardcover3450:81:19120503064L, v. 20 : hc3450:81:20120602437P, v. 21 : hc3450:81:21120700579V, v. 22 : hc3450:81:22120802500I, v. 23 : hardcover3450:81:23120901692U, v. 24 : hardcover3450:81:24121003515I, v. 25 : cl3450:81:25121010230A, v. 26 : cl3450:81:26121016670O, v. 27 : cl3450:81:27121026136M, v. 28 : hc3450:81:28121030673N, v. 29 : hc3450:81:29121039208Q, v. 30 : hc3450:81:30121041157M, v. 31 : hc3450:81:31121043838U, v. 32 : hc3450:81:32121046726T, v. 33 : hc3450:81:33121051282M, v. 1: hard3450:81:1128015668., v. 2: hard3450:81:2128015667-, v. 3: hard3450:81:3128015666Z, v. 4: hard3450:81:4128015662V, v. 5: hard3450:81:5129104384W, v. 6: hard3450:81:6129201745V, v. 7: hard3450:81:7129302647Y, v. 8: hard3450:81:8129402222O, v. 9: hard3450:81:9129501443T, v. 10: hard3450:81:10129604293-, v. 11: hard3450:81:11129702025S, v. 12: hard3450:81:12129801595/, v. 13: hard3450:81:13129902730X, v. 14: hard3450:81:14120002509J, v. 15: hard3450:81:15120103605I, v. 16: hard3450:81:16120203161G, v. 17: hard3450:81:17120304662O, v. 18: hard3450:81:18120402942O

  • 姫路獨協大学 附属図書館

    v. 1 : pbk130369, v. 2 : pbk130370, v. 3 : hard076294, v. 3 : pbk070565, v. 4 : pbk130371, v. 5 : pbk130372, v. 6 : pbk185456, v. 7 : pbk186810, v. 8 : pbk186811, v. 9 : pbk186812, v. 10 : pbk186813, v. 11 : pbk199832

  • 兵庫県立大学 神戸商科学術情報館

    v. 1 : hard345.1||19||12106929, v. 1 : pbk345.1||19||12124158, v. 2 : pbk345.1||19||22127584, v. 3 : pbk345.1||19||32127706, v. 10 : pbk345.1||19||102146229, v. 11 : pbk345.1||19||112146702, v. 14 : pbk345.1||19||142151819, v. 15 : pbk345.1||19||152155981

  • 兵庫大学 附属図書館

    v. 4 : hard5002630, v. 6 : hard5002632, v. 7 : hard5002633

  • 広島経済大学 図書館

    v. 2 : hard*, v. 8 : hard*, v. 10 : hard*, v. 15 : hard00207160, v. 16 : hard00247055, v. 17 : pbk00252188, v. 25 : cl01047287, v. 13*

  • 広島修道大学 図書館

    v. 3 : pbk345.1/Su 671920136920, v. 4 : hard345.1/Su 671920003360, v. 5 : pbk345.1/Su 671930029140, v. 9 : hard345.1/Su 671950207180, v. 13 : hard345.1/Su 670600010588, v. 14 : hard345.1/Su 670600010589, v. 15 : hard345.1/Su 672020003010, v. 20 : pbk345.1/Su 670600008622

  • 広島市立大学 附属図書館

    v. 9 : pbk345/TA/90001211283, v. 13: hard345/TA/130002113173, v. 14 : hard345/TA/140002174914, v. 15 : pbk345/TA/150002463421

  • 広島大学 図書館 中央図書館

    v. 16 : pbk345.1:Ta-973530411865, v. 19 : pbk345.1:Ta-973500425457, v. 20 : hc345.1:Ta-973500425454

  • 福島大学 附属図書館

    v. 13 : pbk199136253, v. 14 : pbk100045984, v. 17 : pbk345/Su67t/1710307960

  • 福山大学 附属図書館

    v. 1 : pbk345.1||S||1129001188, v. 2 : pbk345.1||S128901069,129001189, v. 3 : pbk345.1||S||3129001190, v. 4 : pbk345.1||N||4140700024, v. 5 : pbk345.1||N||5129200831, v. 6 : pbk345.1||N||6129200832, v. 7 : pbk345.1||N||7129300404, v. 8 : pbk345.1||N||8129400372, v. 9 : hard345.1||N||9129500678, v. 9 : pbk345.1||N||9141200072, v. 10 : pbk345.1||N||10129600451, v. 11 : pbk345.1||T||11129700581,129800489, v. 12 : pbk345.1||N||12129800165, v.13 : hard345.1||N||13129900531

  • 富士大学 図書館

    v. 14 : hard345.1/Ta97/140915970, v. 16 : hard345.1/Ta97/160915639


  • 平成国際大学 図書館

    v. 12 : hard0032271, v. 9 : pbk0032460, v. 10 : pbk0032461, v. 11 : pbk0032462


  • 法政大学 図書館多図

    v. 18 : hard345/27/1810302501283028, v. 23 : hardcover345/27/2310302501461279, v. 25 : cl345/27/2510302501525803, v. 26 : cl345/27/2622021000011004, v. 27 : cl345/27/2722021000031366, v. 30 : hc345/27/3022021000063845

  • 法政大学 図書館市図

    v. 17 : hard345.1/3/1710302001314455, v. 19 : hardcover345.1/3/1910302001378933, v. 20 : hc345.1/3/2010302001502081, v. 21 : hc345.1/3/2110302001499684, v. 22 : hc345.1/3/2210302001539210, v. 24 : hardcover345.1/3/2410302001609960, v. 28 : hc345.1/3/2821021000075020, v. 29 : hc345.1/3/2921021000104098, v. 31 : hc345.1/3/3121021000125508, v. 32 : hc345.1/3/3221021000143204, v. 33 : hc345.1/3/3321021000160036

  • 北海道大学 附属図書館


  • 北海道大学 附属図書館

    v. 1: pbk1770108471

  • 松山大学 図書館

    v. 1 : pbk345.108||T 62||1200971282, v. 2 : pbk345.108||T 62||2200971245, v. 3 : pbk345.108||T 62||3206168255, v. 23 : hardcover345.108||T 62||23250845906

  • 三重大学 附属図書館

    v. 2 : hard345.1/Ta 97/269505200, v. 3 : hard345.1/Ta 97/369505201, v. 4 : hard345.1/Ta 97/469505202, v. 5 : hard345.1/Ta 97/569505203, v. 6 : hard345.1/Ta 97/669505204, v. 7 : hard345.1/Ta 97/769505205, v. 8 : hard345.1/Ta 97/869505206, v. 9 : hard345.1/Ta 97/969505207, v. 11 : hard345.1/Ta 97/1169705188

  • 宮崎公立大学 附属図書館

    v. 14 : pbk345.1||Su67||1400400526


  • 明海大学 浦安キヤンパス メデイアセンター(図書館)

    v. 3 : pbk345.1-N571436968, v. 5 : hard345.1-N571457959, v. 6 : hard345.1-N571428231, v. 6 : pbk345.1-N571436977, v. 7 : hard345.1-N571457968, v. 7 : pbk345.1-N571436986, v. 8 : hard345.1-N571457977, v. 8 : pbk345.1-N571436995, v. 9 : hard345.1-N571457986, v. 9 : pbk345.1-N571437007, v. 10 : hard345.1-N571457995


  • 明治学院大学 図書館

    v. 1 : pbk336.2:T:10105909881, v. 2 : hard336.2:T:20105909899, v. 3 : pbk336.2:T:30105203186, v. 4 : pbk336.2:T:40105909907, v. 5 : hard336.2:T:50105909915, v. 6 : pbk336.2:T:60105487979, v. 7 : hard336.2:T:70105909923, v. 8 : hard336.2:T:80105909931, v. 9 : hard336.2:T:90105909949, v. 10 : hard336.2:T:100105909956, v. 11 : hard336.2:T:110105909964, v. 12 : hard336.2:T:120105932289, v. 13 : hard336.2:T:130106059645, v. 14 : hard336.2:T:140106138407, v. 15 : hard336.2:T:150106205768, v. 16 : hard336.2:T:160106353543, v. 17 : pbk336.2:T:170106388374, v. 18 : hard336.2:T:180106386642, v. 19 : pbk336.2:T:190106447964, v. 21 : hc336.2:T:210106517014, v. 22 : hc336.2:T:220106573173, v. 23 : hardcover336.2:T:230106622178, v. 24 : hardcover336.2:T:240106683154, v. 25 : cl336.2:T:250106723562, v. 26 : cl336.2:T:260106760481, v. 27 : cl336.2:T:270106793995, v. 28 : hc336.2:T:280106853864, v. 29 : hc336.2:T:290106923360, v. 30 : hc336.2:T:300106936263, v. 31 : hc336.2:T:310106954217, v. 32 : hc336.2:T:320106974132, v. 33 : hc336.2:T:330106999477

  • 明治大学 図書館

    v. 1345||608||||D28710793, v. 2345||608||||D28808457, v. 3345||608||||D28905376, v. 4345||608||||D29002489, v. 5345||608||||D29111440, v. 6345||608||||D29203364, v. 7345||608||||D29303210, v. 8345||608||||D29404764, v. 9345||608||||D29501778, v. 10345||608||||D29602543, v. 11345||608||||D29703517, v. 12345||608||||D29803632, v. 14345||608||||D2200003999, v. 15345||608||||D2200103544, v. 16345||608||||D2200204113, v. 17345||608||||D2200307812, v. 18345||608||||D2200405494, v. 13345||608||||D29902345

  • 明星大学 日野校舎図書館日野

    v. 1 : hard345.1||Ta97803112146, v. 1 : pbk345.1||Ta97803112171, v. 2 : hard345.1||Ta97803112154, v. 2 : pbk345.1||Ta97803112189, v. 3 : hard345.1||Ta97803112162, v. 3 : pbk345.1||Ta97803112197, v. 14 : hard345.253||Su67||14802051428, v. 15 : pbk345.253||Su67||15802686195

  • 桃山学院大学 附属図書館

    v. 1 : pbk00267281, v. 2 : pbk00288601, v. 3 : hard00359857, v. 4 : pbk00395168, v. 5 : hard00359858, v. 6 : hard00349620, v. 8 : hard00378336, v. 11 : hard00446511, v. 18 : pbk00625589, v. 29 : hc00766363, v. 32 : hc00779255

  • 横浜国立大学 附属図書館

    v. 1 : hard342.33||TA01506106, v. 2 : hard342.33||TA01908100, v. 3 : hard342.33||TA02089646, v. 4 : hard342.33||TA02366124, v. 5 : hard342.33||TA02574987, v. 6 : hard342.33||TA02838254, v. 8 : hard342.33||TA03264523, v. 9 : hard342.33//TAH0499212, v. 10 : hard342.33||TA, v. 11 : hard342.33||TAH97003905, v. 12 : hard342.33||TAH98004469*, v. 13 : hardH99006030*, v. 14 : hard342.33||TA200006693, v. 15 : hard342.33||TA200104341, v. 16 : hard342.33||TA11389594, v. 17 : hard342.33||TA11389528, v. 18 : hard342.33||TA11558007, v. 19 : hardcover342.33||TA11709493, v. 22 : hc342.33||TA12276431, v. 23 : hardcover342.33||TA12276470, v. 6: hard342.33//TAH0431459, v. 7: hard342.33//TAH0456217, v. 8: hard342.33//TAH0478329

  • 横浜国立大学 附属図書館社会

    v. 1: pbk342.33//SUH061063, v. 2342.33//SUH056651, v. 2: pbk342.33//SUH061064, v. 3342.33//SUH0103536, v. 4342.33//SUH0304391, v. 4: pbk342.33//TAH0407543, v. 5342.33//TAH0404446, v. 5: pbk342.33//TAH0422381, v. 6: pbk342.33//TAH0470919, v. 7: pbk342.33//TAH0470920

  • 立教大学 図書館

    v. 1 : hard87-34776, v. 2 : hard88-32891, v. 3 : hard89-34091, v. 4 : hard90-32761, v. 5 : hard92-31842, v. 6 : hard92-34671, v. 7 : hard94-35197, v. 8 : hard95-31373, v. 9 : hard96-30191, v. 10 : hard96-33394, v. 11 : hard52011982, v. 12 : pbk52154260, v. 13 : hard52041323, v. 14 : hard52157479, v. 15 : hard52154261, v. 16 : pbk52079625, v. 17 : pbk52108762, v. 19 : hardcover52114021, v. 20 : pbk52154262, v. 21 : pbk42218605, v. 22 : hc52155000, v. 23 : hardcover52160373, v. 24 : hardcover52189753, v. 25 : cl52215066, v. 26 : cl52238875, v. 27 : cl52282474, v. 28 : hc52306070, v. 29 : hc52338574, v. 30 : hc51100189, v. 31 : hc52352060, v. 32 : hc52362362, v. 33 : hc52373921

  • 立命館大学 図書館

    v. 4 : hard2110688830, v. 4 : pbk2110754485, v. 5 : hard2110716149, v. 6 : hard2110741510, v. 7 : hard2110774216, v. 8 : hard210801542, v. 9 : hard2110826010, v. 9 : pbk2110884708, v. 10 : hard2110864709, v. 11 : hard2110889834, v. 12 : hard2110908877, v. 13 : hard2110930329, v. 14 : hard2110947809

  • 琉球大学 附属図書館

    v. 13 : hardZ345.1||TA||1399004972

  • 琉球大学 附属図書館研究図書

    v. 1 : pbk345.1||TA||193500577, v. 2 : pbk345.1||TA||293500575, v. 3 : pbk345.1||TA||393500572, v. 4 : pbk345.1||TA||493500580, v. 5 : pbk345.1||TA||593500579, v. 6 : pbk345.1||TA||693500578, v. 11 : pbk345.1||TA||1197003419, v. 14 : pbkZ345.1||TA||142000004741, v. 15 : hardZ345.1||TA||152001004128, v. 16 : hardZ345.1||TA||162002004385, 13 : hard345.1||TA||1399004972

  • 龍谷大学 深草図書館

    v. 1: hard19300007597, v. 1: pbk19751917552, v. 2: hard19752009873, v. 3: hard19752009884, v. 4: hard19752076330, v. 5: hard19752155940, v. 6: hard19300029162, v. 14: hard10000047646, v. 15: hard10400011425, v. 16: pbk10400036857, v. 17: hard10400036835, v. 18: hard10400036846, v. 19 : hardcover10500061554, v. 2010600053614, v. 21 : hc10800009204, v. 26 : cl11405034128, v. 30 : hc11605039345

  • 流通経済大学 図書館

    v. 1 : hard345/44/10090616581, v. 2 : hard345/44/20090616593, v. 3 : hard345/44/30090616604, v. 4 : hard345/44/4008208913, v. 5 : hard345/44/50090679382, v. 6 : hard345/TA97/60091003631, v. 7 : hard345/44/70093014116, v. 8 : hard345/44/80094030667, v. 9 : hard345/44/90095005817, v. 10 : hard345/44/100096014565, v. 11 : hard345/44/111000007997, v. 12 : hard345/44/121000064771, v. 13 : hard345||44||13H00049516, v. 14 : hard345||44||14H00055801, v. 15 : hard345/44/15100029838, v. 16 : pbk345/44/16100032329, v. 17 : hard345/44/17100032154, v. 18 : hard345/44/18100032275, v. 19 : hardcover345/44/19100043000, v. 20 : hc345/44/20100052420, v. 21 : hc345/44/21100052421, v. 8: hard345H0016684*

  • 和歌山大学 附属図書館

    v. 9 : hard219950001811, v. 11 : hard219970001206, v. 12 : hard119990003178, v. 1: hard219890027504, v. 2: hard219890027505, v. 3: hard219890027506, v. 5: hard219920001808, v. 6: hard219930002453, v. 7: hard219930002454, v. 8: hard219940001530

  • 該当する所蔵館はありません
  • すべての絞り込み条件を解除する



Vol. 5 edited by David Bradford

Vol. 6- edited by James M. Poterba

Vol. 23- edited by Jeffrey R. Brown and James M. Poterba

Vol. 24- edited by Jeffrey R. Brown

Vol. 31- edited by Robert A. Moffit

"Published annually by the University of Chicago Press"--T.p. verso of v. 22-

"25th anniversary issue"--Vol. 25, cover

Includes bibliographical references



v. 23 : pbk ISBN 9780226076546


"Tax Policy and the Economy" publishes current academic research findings on taxation and government spending that have both immediate bearing on policy debates and longer-term interest. The articles in volume 23 address a range of topics, including Social Security, understanding corporate tax losses, the influence of globalization on the design of a tax system, and the question of whether federal provision of goods and services crowds out their provision by lower levels of government or the private sector.

v. 25 : cl ISBN 9780226076577


In light of the very public debate on the federal budget this year between Democrats and Republicans, the economic ramifications of tax policy are now more than ever a focus of national attention. This volume is thus an invaluable tool, publishing current academic research findings on taxation and government spending. The papers collected here include a review of current fuel economy taxation; research on implicit taxes on work from Social Security and Medicare; an analysis of how future increases in aggregate health care expenditures will affect future tax rates required to support Medicare and Medicaid; and analyses of the implications of large and sustained budget deficits on the economy.

v. 25 : pbk ISBN 9780226076591


In light of the very public debate on the federal budget this year between Democrats and Republicans, the economic ramifications of tax policy are now more than ever a focus of national attention. This volume is thus an invaluable tool, publishing current academic research findings on taxation and government spending. The papers collected here include a review of current fuel economy taxation; research on implicit taxes on work from Social Security and Medicare; an analysis of how future increases in aggregate health care expenditures will affect future tax rates required to support Medicare and Medicaid; and analyses of the implications of large and sustained budget deficits on the economy.

v. 24 : hardcover ISBN 9780226076737


"Tax Policy and the Economy" publishes current academic research findings on taxation and government spending that have both immediate bearing on policy debates and longer-term interest. The papers in this volume range from topics as broad as the relative efficacy of tax cuts versus spending increases as a form of economic stimulus to a targeted analysis of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit. Also included are two papers that examine different aspects of policies designed to provide fiscal stimulus, as well as an examination of the effects of recent reforms in the Earned Income Tax Credit.

v. 24 : pbk ISBN 9780226076744


"Tax Policy and the Economy" publishes current academic research findings on taxation and government spending that have both immediate bearing on policy debates and longer-term interest. The papers in this volume range from topics as broad as the relative efficacy of tax cuts versus spending increases as a form of economic stimulus to a targeted analysis of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit. Also included are two papers that examine different aspects of policies designed to provide fiscal stimulus, as well as an examination of the effects of recent reforms in the Earned Income Tax Credit.

v. 27 : cl ISBN 9780226097794


Tax policy was a central part of the recent hyperpartisan debates over the "fiscal cliff." In this political climate, it is vital for rigorous empirical research to elevate policy debates above the rhetoric. In keeping with the NBER's tradition of excellence, Volume 27 of the Tax Policy and the Economy series facilitates a conversation between academic researchers and the Washington, DC, policy community to evaluate and analyze tax and spending policy. But as our nation moves forward in its effort to reduce the long-term gap between revenue and spending, the papers in this volume are invaluable and timely tools for anyone interested in moving beyond the talking points to the hard numbers and thorough analyses published by America's largest nonpartisan economic research organization. This year's volume features six papers by leading scholars who bring their considerable expertise to bear on issues related to education funding, labor supply, taxation, fiscal adjustments, and the overall US fiscal outlook.

v. 28 : hc ISBN 9780226208299


The papers in Volume 28 of Tax Policy and the Economy illustrate the depth and breadth of the research by NBER associates who study taxation and government spending programs. The first paper explores whether closely held firms are used as tax shelters. The second examines the taxation of multinational corporations. The third discusses the taxation of housing, focusing on the ways in which current income tax rules may affect location and consumption decisions and lead to economic inefficiencies. The fourth paper offers historical perspective on the political economy of gasoline taxes, with a particular focus on the response to the oil shocks of the early 1970s. The fifth and final paper uses the tools of financial economics to estimate the unfunded liabilities of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

v. 29 : hc ISBN 9780226338248


The papers in Volume 29 of Tax Policy and the Economy illustrate the depth and breadth of the taxation-related research by NBER research associates, both in terms of methodological approach and in terms of topics. In the first paper, former NBER President Martin Feldstein estimates how much revenue the federal government could raise by limiting tax expenditures in various ways, such as capping deductions and exclusions. The second paper, by George Bulman and Caroline Hoxby, makes use of a substantial expansion in the availability of education tax credits in 2009 to study whether tax credits have a significant causal effect on college attendance and related outcomes. In the third paper, Casey Mulligan discusses how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) introduces or expands taxes on income and on full-time employment. In the fourth paper, Bradley Heim, Ithai Lurie, and Kosali Simon focus on the "young adult" provision of the ACA that allows young adults to be covered by their parents' insurance policies. They find no meaningful effects of this provision on labor market outcomes. The fifth paper, by Louis Kaplow, identifies some of the key conceptual challenges to analyzing social insurance policies, such as Social Security, in a context where shortsighted individuals fail to save adequately for their retirement.

v. 30 : hc ISBN 9780226441139


The research papers in Volume 30 of Tax Policy and the Economy make significant contributions to the academic literature in public finance and provide important conceptual and empirical input to policy design. In the first paper, Gerald Carlino and Robert Inman consider whether state-level fiscal policies create spillovers for neighboring states and how federal stimulus can internalize these externalities. The second paper, by Nathan Hendren, presents a new framework for evaluating the welfare consequences of tax policy changes and explains how the key parameters needed to implement this framework can be estimated. The third paper, a collaborative effort by several academic and US Treasury economists, documents the dramatic increase in pass-through businesses, including partnerships and S-corporations, over the last thirty years. It notes that these entities now generate more than half of all US business income. The fourth paper examines property tax compliance using a pseudo-randomized experiment in Philadelphia, in which those who owed taxes received supplemental letters regarding their tax delinquency. The research explores what types of communication lead to higher rates of tax payment. In the fifth paper, Jeffrey Clemens discusses cross-program budgetary spillovers of minimum wage regulations. Severin Borenstein and Lucas Davis, the authors of the sixth paper, study the distributional effects of income tax credits for clean energy.

v. 31 : hc ISBN 9780226539270


The papers in Tax Policy and the Economy Volume 31 are all directly related to important and often long-standing issues, often including how transfer programs affect tax rates and behavior. In the first paper, Alan Auerbach, Laurence Kotlikoff, Darryl Koehler, and Manni Yu take a lifetime perspective on the marginal tax rates facing older individuals and families arising from a comprehensive set of sources. In the second, Gizem Kosar and Robert A. Moffitt provide new estimates of the cumulative marginal tax rates facing low-income families over the period 1997-2007. In the third paper, Emmanuel Saez presents evidence on the elasticity of taxable income with respect to tax rates, drawing on data from the 2013 federal income tax reform. In the fourth, Conor Clarke and Wojciech Kopczuk survey the treatment of business income taxation in the United States since the 1950s, providing new data on how business income and its taxation have evolved over time. In the fifth paper, Louis Kaplow argues that the reduction in statutory tax rates from base-broadening may not reduce effective marginal tax rates on households.

v. 32 : hc ISBN 9780226577524


The six research studies in Volume 32 of Tax Policy and the Economy analyze the U.S. tax and transfer system, in particular its effects on revenues, expenditures, and economic behavior. First, James Andreoni examines donor advised funds, which are financial vehicles offered by investment houses to provide savings accounts for tax-free charitable giving, and weighs their effects on donations against their tax cost. Second, Caroline Hoxby analyzes the use of tax credits by students enrolled in online post-secondary education. Third, Alex Rees-Jones and Dmitry Taubinsky explore taxpayers' psychological biases that lead to incorrect perceptions and understanding of tax incentives. Fourth, Jeffrey Clemens and Benedic Ippolito investigate the implications of block grant reforms of Medicaid for receipt of federal support by different states. Fifth, Andrew Samwick examines means-testing of Medicare and federal health benefits under the Affordable Care Act. Sixth, Bruce Meyer and Wallace Mok study the incidence and effects of disability among U.S. women from 1968 to 2015, examining the impacts of disability on income, consumption, and public transfers.

v. 33 : hc ISBN 9780226645865


This volume presents five new studies on taxation and government transfer programs. Alexander Blocker, Laurence Kotlikoff, Stephen Ross, and Sergio Villar Vallenas show how asset pricing can be used to value implicit fiscal debts, which are currently rarely measured or adjusted for risk, while accounting for risk properties. They apply their methodology to study Social Security. Michelle Hanson, Jeffrey Hoopes, and Joel Slemrod examine the effects of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on corporation behavior and on firms' statements about their behavior. They focus on for four outcomes: bonuses, investment, share repurchases, and dividends. Scott Baker, Lorenz Kueng, Leslie McGranahan, and Brian Melzer explore whether "unconventional" fiscal policy in the form of pre-announced consumption tax changes can shift durables purchases intertemporally, how it such shifts are affected by consumer credit. Alan Auerbach discusses "tax equivalences," disparate sets of policies that have the same economic effects, and also illustrates when these equivalences break down. Jeffrey Liebman and Daniel Ramsey use data from NBER's TAXSIM model to investigate the equity implications of a switch from joint to independent taxation that could occur in conjunction with adoption of return-free tax filing.

v. 22 : pbk ISBN 9780226676258


"Tax Policy and the Economy" publishes current academic research findings on taxation and government spending that have both immediate bearing on policy debates and longer-term interest. Volume 22 includes issues related to savings through tax-deferred retirement programs, consumer choice on high-deductible health plans, financial aid applications and the tax filing process, and recent developments in corporate income tax reform in the European Union and possible implications for the United States.

v. 26 : cl ISBN 9780226923444


There is no question that the United States is facing significant fiscal challenges. "Tax Policy and the Economy" research papers make valuable contributions to our understanding of the economic effects of alternative approaches. The papers collected in Volume 26 include a study of an important determinant of the labor supply effects of Social Security; an examination of the budgetary and economic impact of changing how employer health insurance is treated in the tax code; an analysis of how US investment in Europe might be impacted by proposed corporate tax reform in the European Union; and a look at the term "tax expenditures," often used to describe governmental policies that appear as a reduction in taxes rather than as an increase in spending. The final paper in the volume shows how uncertainty about the restoration of US fiscal balance imposes additional efficiency costs on the economy in consumption, saving, labor supply, and portfolio decisions, and how it reduces individual welfare.

v. 26 : pbk ISBN 9780226923451


There is no question that the United States is facing significant fiscal challenges. "Tax Policy and the Economy" research papers make valuable contributions to our understanding of the economic effects of alternative approaches. The papers collected in Volume 26 include a study of an important determinant of the labor supply effects of Social Security; an examination of the budgetary and economic impact of changing how employer health insurance is treated in the tax code; an analysis of how US investment in Europe might be impacted by proposed corporate tax reform in the European Union; and a look at the term "tax expenditures," often used to describe governmental policies that appear as a reduction in taxes rather than as an increase in spending. The final paper in the volume shows how uncertainty about the restoration of US fiscal balance imposes additional efficiency costs on the economy in consumption, saving, labor supply, and portfolio decisions, and how it reduces individual welfare.

v. 5 : hard ISBN 9780262022958


The Tax Policy and the Economy series presents new research bearing on the economic effects of taxation on economic performance and analyzing the effects of potential tax reforms.

v. 6 : hard ISBN 9780262161305


The Tax Policy and the Economy series presents new research bearing on the economic effects of taxation on economic performance and analysis of the effects of potential tax reforms. Research results are presented in a timely and accessible fashion and will be of interest to tax practitioners and those involved in formulating tax policy.Partial ContentsThe Interindustry Effects of Carbon and Other Energy Taxes, Lawrence Goulder * Social Security Alternatives and the Intergenerational Distribution of Income, Laurence Kotlikoff * Corporate Tax Revenues Since the Reform of 1986, James Poterba * Taxation and Inequality: A Longitudinal Perspective, Joel Slemrod * Government Policy and Retirement Saving, David Wise


  • Government policy and personal retirement saving, Steven F. Venti and David A. Wise
  • why didn't the tax reform act of 1986 raise corporate taxes?, James M. Poterba
  • carbon tax design and U.S. industry performance, Lawrence H. Goulder
  • taxation and inequality - a time-exposure perspective, Joel B. Slemrod
  • social security and medicare policy from the perspective of generational accounting, Alan J. Auerbach, et al.

v. 7 : hard ISBN 9780262161350


The Tax Policy and the Economy series presents new research bearing on the economic effects of taxation on economic performance and analysis of the effects of potential tax reforms. Results of research are presented in a timely and accessible fashion and will be of interest to tax practitioners and those involved in formulating tax policy.ContentsAlternatives to Traditional IRAs: Floors and Ceilings in Saving Incentives, B. Douglas Bernheim * New Evidence on the Incentive Effects of R&D Tax Credits, Bronwyn H. Hall * Interindustry Subsidies and the Unemployment Insurance Payroll Tax, Bruce D. Meyer * What Do We Know About Enterprise Zones? Leslie E. Papke * Understanding the Widening Income Distribution of the 1980s, James M. Poterba and Daniel R. Feenberg

v. 8 : hard ISBN 9780262161435


The Tax Policy and the Economy series presents new research bearing on the economic effects of taxation on economic performance and analyzing the effects of potential tax reforms. Research results are presented in a timely and accessible fashion and will be of interest to tax practitioners and those involved in formulating tax policy.ContentsWelfare and the Well-Being of Children: The Relative Effectiveness of Cash and In-Kind Transfers - Janet Currie * Energy Taxes and Aggregate Economic Activity - Julio Rotemberg and Michael Woodford * Lifecycle vs. Annual Perspectives on the Incidence of a Value Added Tax - Gilbert E. Metcalf * The Efficiency Cost of Energy Taxes - Lawrence H. Goulder * Tax Policy, Multinational Firms, and the Incentives for R & D - James Hines, Jr.

v. 9 : hard ISBN 9780262161534


The Tax Policy and the Economy series presents new research bearing on the economic effects of taxation on economic performance and analyzing the effects of potential tax reforms. Research results are presented in a timely and accessible fashion and will be of interest to tax practitioners and those involved in formulating tax policy.

v. 10 : hard ISBN 9780262161619


This volume is part of a series which presents research bearing on the economic effects of taxation on economic performance and analysis of the effects of potential tax reforms. It should be of interest to tax practitioners and those involved in formulating tax policy.


  • Introduction, James N. Poterba
  • tax reforms and labour supply, Nada Eissa
  • reforming the tax treatment of married couples, Martin Feldstein and Dan Feenberg
  • environmental tax design, Don Fullerton
  • design issues in privatizing social security, Laurence Kotlikoff
  • comparing the flat tax and other options for fundamental tax reform, Bob Hall.

v. 11 : hard ISBN 9780262161671


This series presents recent research on the effects of taxation on economic performance and analyses of the effects of potential tax reforms. The research results appear in a form that is accessible to tax practitioners and policymakers. Topics in this volume include an evaluation of Medicaid in the 1980s, medical savings accounts, comparative tax burdens under the existing income tax and a national retail sales tax, implications of a broad-based consumption tax, and mandated community-rated health insurance.Contributors David Bradford, Matthew Eichner, Daniel Feenberg, William Gentry, Jonathan Gruber, R. Glenn Hubbard, Mark McClellan, Andrew Mitrusi, James Poterba, David Wise


  • Distributional implications of introducing a broad-based consumption tax, William M. Gentry, R. Glenn Hubbard
  • Distributional effects of adopting a national retail sales tax, Daniel R. Feenberg, Andrew W. Mitrusi, James M. Poterba
  • Health expenditure persistence and the feasibility of medical savings accounts, Matthew J. Eichner, Mark B. McClellan, David A. wise
  • Implicit budget deficits - the case of a mandated shift to community-rated health insurance, David F. Bradford, Derrick A. Max
  • Health insurance for poor women and children in the US - lessons from the past decade, Jonathan Gruber.

v. 12 : hard ISBN 9780262161763


Topics in this volume include Medicare reform, taxation and telecommunications, tax incentives for higher education, incentive effects of the Earned Income Tax Credit, the Social Security Earnings Test and the labor supply of older men, tax rate flexibility in consumption tax systems, fundamental tax reform and corporate finance, business transition issues in fundamental tax reform, and the effect of a consumption tax on the interest rate.This series presents recent research on the effects of taxation on economic performance and analyses of the effects of potential tax reforms. The research results appear in a form that is accessible to tax practitioners and policymakers. Topics in this volume include Medicare reform, taxation and telecommunications, tax incentives for higher education, incentive effects of the Earned Income Tax Credit, the Social Security Earnings Test and the labor supply of older men, tax rate flexibility in consumption tax systems, fundamental tax reform and corporate finance, business transition issues in fundamental tax reform, and the effect of a consumption tax on the interest rate.ContributorsDavid Bradford, David Cutler, Chris Edwards, Martin Feldstein, Leora Friedberg, William Gentry, Jerry Hausman, Caroline M. Hoxby, R. Glenn Hubbard, Jeffrey Liebman, Andrew Lyon, Peter Merrill, Mel Schwartz


  • Cost shifting or cost cutting? - the incidence of reductions in Medicare payments, david M. Cutler
  • taxation by telecommunications regulation, Jerry Hausman
  • tax incentives for higher education, caroline M. Hoxby
  • the impact of the earned income tax credit on incentives and income distribution, Jeffrey B. Liebman
  • the social security earnings test and Labour supply of older men, Leora Friedberg
  • transition to and tax-rate flexibility in a cash-flow-type tax, David F. Bradford
  • would a consumption tax reduce interest rates? Martin Feldstein
  • fundamental tax reform and corporate financial policy, william M. Gentry, R. Glenn Hubbard
  • transitional issues in fundamental tax reform - a financial-accounting perspective, Melbert Schwarz et al.

v. 13 : hard ISBN 9780262161855


This series presents recent research on the effects of taxation and government expenditure programs on economic performance and analyses of the effects of potential tax reforms. The research results appear in a form that is accessible to tax practitioners and policymakers.


  • The returns on social security contributions for postwar Americans, Laurence Kotlikoff et al
  • tax rules and nonprofit institutions, James Hines
  • the lifetime incidence of medicare, Mark McClellan and Jonathan Skinner
  • distributional effects of social security reforms, Don Fullerton, Julia Coronado and Thomas Glass
  • tobacco taxes and public policy to discourage smoking, William Evans, Jeanne Ringel and Diana Strech.

v. 14 : hard ISBN 9780262161916


This series presents recent research on the effects of taxation and government expenditure programs on economic performance and analyses of the effects of potential tax reforms. The research results appear in a form that is accessible to tax practitioners and policymakers.This series presents recent research on the effects of taxation and government expenditure programs on economic performance and analyses of the effects of potential tax reforms. The research results appear in a form that is accessible to tax practitioners and policymakers.


  • Taxation and the compensation of CEOs, Brian Hall
  • stock market reaction to Capital Gains Tax changes, Douglas Shackelford
  • bequests, Inter Vivos giving, and the Estate Tax, Kathleen McGarry
  • taxation and internet sales, Austan Goolsbee
  • generational accounting applied to immigration policy, Alan Auerbach
  • welfare reform in the 1990s - a first look at its effects, Anne Witte.

v. 15 : hard ISBN 9780262162005


This series publishes recent research on the economic effects of taxation and government expenditure programs, as well as studies of the distributional and incentive effects of current and proposed tax legislation. The research results are presented in a form that is accessible to tax practitioners and policymakers.


  • Mihir Desai and James Hines, Jr.
  • Using the Tax System for Export Promotion
  • Robert Carroll, Douglas Holz-Eakin, Mark Rider, and Harvey Rosen
  • Personal Income Taxes and the Growth of Small Firms
  • Andrew Mitrusi and James M. Poterba
  • The Changing Importance of Income and Payroll Taxes on U.S. Families
  • David Ellwood and Jeffrey Liebman
  • The Middle-Class Parent Penalty: Child Benefits in the U.S. Tax Code
  • Martin Feldstein and Elena Ranguelova
  • Annuity Collars: A Voluntary Market Approach to Reducing the Risk of Investment-Based Social Security Reform
  • Mark McClellan
  • A Primer on Budgetary Accounting Issues and Medicare Reform

v. 16 : hard ISBN 9780262162104


This series publishes recent research on the economic effects of taxation and government expenditure programs, as well as studies of the distributional and incentive effects of current and proposed tax legislation. The research results are presented in a form that is accessible to tax practitioners and policymakers.

v. 17 : hard ISBN 9780262162203


This NBER series presents current academic research in the areas of taxation and government spending. The papers included provide important background information for policy analysis without making specific policy recommendations.Volume 17 continues the series tradition of addressing topics that are relevant to current issues as well as longer-range concerns, with topics that include the fiscal implications of the No Child Left Behind Act, the 2001 Tax Rebate, and the tax burdens of multinational corporations.


  • Fiscal implications of school accountability initiatives, David N. Figlio
  • the benefits of the home mortgage interest deductions, Edward L. Glaeser, Jesse M. Shapiro
  • did the 2001 tax rebate stimulate spending? evidence from taxpayer surveys, Matthew D. Shapiro, Joel Slemrod
  • who gets paid to save?, Jagadeesh Gokhale, Laurence J. Kotlikoff
  • do US multinationals face different tax burdens than other companies?, Julie H. Collins, Douglas A. Shakelford
  • the divergence between book and tax income, Mihir A. Deai.

v. 18 : hard ISBN 9780262162265


This NBER series presents current academic research in the areas of taxation and government spending. The papers included provide important background information for policy analysis without making specific policy recommendations.Volume 18 continues the series tradition of addressing issues that are relevant to current policy debates as well as to questions of longer-term interest, covering topics that include the tax treatment of assets saved for higher education expenses, the measurement of depreciation allowances, and the mortgage interest subsidy.

v. 19 : hardcover ISBN 9780262162364


This NBER series presents current academic research findings in the areas of taxation and government spending. The papers included provide important background information for policy analysts in government and the private sector without making specific policy recommendations. The papers in Volume 19 address issues relevant to current policy debates as well as questions that are of longer-term interest. Topics include a comparison of federal, state, and local pre-kindergarten educational programs, the cost-effectiveness of different health insurance reform proposals, economic growth in countries with low marginal corporate income tax rates, the disparity between corporate income as reported to investors and as calculated for corporate tax liability, and the relationship between pyramidal structures and the taxation of intercorporate dividends.


  • The Structure of Early Care and Education in the United States: Historical Evolution and International Comparisons
  • Ann Dryden Witte and Marisol Trowbridge
  • Tax Policy for Health Insurance
  • Jonathan Gruber
  • Do Tax Havens Flourish?
  • James R. Hines Jr.
  • Book-Tax Conformity for Corporate Income: An Introduction to the Issues
  • Michelle Hanlon and Terry Shevlin
  • How to Eliminate Pyramidal Business Groups: The Double Taxation of Intercorporate Dividends and Other Incisive Uses of Tax Policy
  • Randall Morck.

v. 20 : hc ISBN 9780262162401


This NBER series presents current academic research findings in the areas of taxation and government spending. The papers included provide important background information for policy analysts in government and the private sector without making specific policy recommendations. This twentieth anniversary volume addresses issues relevant to current policy debates as well as questions that are of longer-term interest. Topics include: the distribution of the corporate income tax burden; tax incentives for entrepreneurship; the effect of the Earned Income Tax Credit on labor supply; refund-splitting as a way to encourage saving by low-income households; the concentration of variable annuity ownership households in high tax brackets; and new evidence on the fiscal health of the federal government that takes the Medicare prescription drug benefit into account.

v. 21 : hc ISBN 9780262162463


Recent academic research findings on topics relating to taxation and social insurance policy, including the implicit tax imposed by Medicaid on private long-term care insurance benefits, an alternative system of unemployment insurance, and federal energy tax policy. This NBER series presents current academic research findings in the areas of taxation and government spending. The papers included provide important background information for policy analysts in government and the private sector without making specific policy recommendations. This twenty-first installment in the series reports on recent research concerning both taxation and social insurance policy. The papers discuss Medicaid's implicit tax on the benefits of private long-term care insurance, an alternative to current unemployment insurance systems, the tax treatment of health insurance expenditures, the effective marginal tax rates on labor supply and saving, and the rationale for and effect of energy-related tax policies.

v. 2 : hard ISBN 9780262192729


Tax policy debates, generated by one of the most sweeping reforms of the Federal income tax system since its inception, are certain to continue for years to come, providing a fertile field for economic research. This book is the second in a series of annual publications on tax policy and the economy initiated by the National Bureau of Economic Research and designed to convey research results in a way that is accessible to a wide body of lawyers, policymakers, and businesspeople involved in formulating tax policy.Studies in Volume 2 include Don Fullerton's reevaluation of traditional claims that investment incentives bias the tax system toward capital-intensive industries; Laurence Lindsey's further results on the sensitivity of tax revenues to reductions in the top marginal tax rate; Lawrence Kotlikoff's assessment of the impact of tax reform on the pension system; and Douglas Bernheim's examination of international evidence on the impact of budget deficits on trade deficits. Volume 2 also includes research by Roger Gordon and James Hines evaluating the impact of tax reform legislation on the investment decisions of multinational corporations.Lawrence H. Summers is Professor of Economics at Harvard University and Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research.

v. 4 : hard ISBN 9780262192965


The Tax Policy and Economy series presents new research bearing on the effects of taxation on economic performance and analyzing the effects of potential tax reforms. Research results are, presented in a timely and accessible fashion. Volume 4 includes contributions by Glenn Hubbard, Lawrence Goulder, Lawrence Summers, Daniel Feenberg, and Eytan Sheshinski. Lawrence H. Summers is Professor of Economics at Harvard University and Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research.

v. 5 : pbk ISBN 9780262521581


The Tax Policy and the Economy series presents new research bearing on the economic effects of taxation on economic performance and analyzing the effects of potential tax reforms.

v. 6 : pbk ISBN 9780262660778


The Tax Policy and the Economy series presents new research bearing on the economic effects of taxation on economic performance and analysis of the effects of potential tax reforms. Research results are presented in a timely and accessible fashion and will be of interest to tax practitioners and those involved in formulating tax policy.Partial ContentsThe Interindustry Effects of Carbon and Other Energy Taxes, Lawrence Goulder * Social Security Alternatives and the Intergenerational Distribution of Income, Laurence Kotlikoff * Corporate Tax Revenues Since the Reform of 1986, James Poterba * Taxation and Inequality: A Longitudinal Perspective, Joel Slemrod * Government Policy and Retirement Saving, David Wise


  • Government policy and personal retirement saving, Steven F. Venti and David A. Wise
  • why didn't the tax reform act of 1986 raise corporate taxes?, James M. Poterba
  • carbon tax design and U.S. industry performance, Lawrence H. Goulder
  • taxation and inequality - a time-exposure perspective, Joel B. Slemrod
  • social security and medicare policy from the perspective of generational accounting, Alan J. Auerbach, et al.

v. 7 : pbk ISBN 9780262660815


The Tax Policy and the Economy series presents new research bearing on the economic effects of taxation on economic performance and analysis of the effects of potential tax reforms. Results of research are presented in a timely and accessible fashion and will be of interest to tax practitioners and those involved in formulating tax policy. Contents Alternatives to Traditional IRAs: Floors and Ceilings in Saving Incentives, B. Douglas Bernheim * New Evidence on the Incentive Effects of R&D Tax Credits, Bronwyn H. Hall * Interindustry Subsidies and the Unemployment Insurance Payroll Tax, Bruce D. Meyer * What Do We Know About Enterprise Zones? Leslie E. Papke * Understanding the Widening Income Distribution of the 1980s, James M. Poterba and Daniel R. Feenberg

v. 8 : pbk ISBN 9780262660914


The Tax Policy and the Economy series presents new research bearing on the economic effects of taxation on economic performance and analyzing the effects of potential tax reforms. Research results are presented in a timely and accessible fashion and will be of interest to tax practitioners and those involved in formulating tax policy. Contents Welfare and the Well-Being of Children: The Relative Effectiveness of Cash and In-Kind Transfers - Janet Currie * Energy Taxes and Aggregate Economic Activity - Julio Rotemberg and Michael Woodford * Lifecycle vs. Annual Perspectives on the Incidence of a Value Added Tax - Gilbert E. Metcalf * The Efficiency Cost of Energy Taxes - Lawrence H. Goulder * Tax Policy, Multinational Firms, and the Incentives for R & D - James Hines, Jr.

v. 9 : pbk ISBN 9780262660952


The Tax Policy and the Economy series presents new research bearing on the economic effects of taxation on economic performance and analyzing the effects of potential tax reforms. Research results are presented in a timely and accessible fashion and will be of interest to tax practitioners and those involved in formulating tax policy.

v. 10 : pbk ISBN 9780262660983


The Tax Policy and the Economy series presents new research bearing on the economic effects of taxation on economic performance and analyzing the effects of potential tax reforms. Research results are presented in a timely and accessible fashion and will be of interest to tax practioners and those involved in formulating tax policy.


  • Introduction, James N. Poterba
  • tax reforms and labour supply, Nada Eissa
  • reforming the tax treatment of married couples, Martin Feldstein and Dan Feenberg
  • environmental tax design, Don Fullerton
  • design issues in privatizing social security, Laurence Kotlikoff
  • comparing the flat tax and other options for fundamental tax reform, Bob Hall.

v. 11 : pbk ISBN 9780262661041


This series presents recent research on the effects of taxation on economic performance and analyses of the effects of potential tax reforms. The research results appear in a form that is accessible to tax practitioners and policymakers. Topics in this volume include an evaluation of Medicaid in the 1980s, medical savings accounts, comparative tax burdens under the existing income tax and a national retail sales tax, implications of a broad-based consumption tax, and mandated community-rated health insurance.Contributors David Bradford, Matthew Eichner, Daniel Feenberg, William Gentry, Jonathan Gruber, R. Glenn Hubbard, Mark McClellan, Andrew Mitrusi, James Poterba, David Wise


  • Distributional implications of introducing a broad-based consumption tax, William M. Gentry, R. Glenn Hubbard
  • Distributional effects of adopting a national retail sales tax, Daniel R. feenberg, Andrew W. Mitrusi, James M. Poterba
  • Health expenditure persistence and the feasibility of medical savings accounts, Matthew J. Eichner, Mark B. McClellan, David A. wise
  • Implicit budget deficits - the case of a mandated shift to community-rated health insurance, David F. Bradford, Derrick A. Max
  • Health insurance for poor women and children in the US - lessons from the past decade, Jonathan Gruber.

v. 12 : pbk ISBN 9780262661096


Topics in this volume include Medicare reform, taxation and telecommunications, tax incentives for higher education, incentive effects of the Earned Income Tax Credit, the Social Security Earnings Test and the labor supply of older men, tax rate flexibility in consumption tax systems, fundamental tax reform and corporate finance, business transition issues in fundamental tax reform, and the effect of a consumption tax on the interest rate.This series presents recent research on the effects of taxation on economic performance and analyses of the effects of potential tax reforms. The research results appear in a form that is accessible to tax practitioners and policymakers. Topics in this volume include Medicare reform, taxation and telecommunications, tax incentives for higher education, incentive effects of the Earned Income Tax Credit, the Social Security Earnings Test and the labor supply of older men, tax rate flexibility in consumption tax systems, fundamental tax reform and corporate finance, business transition issues in fundamental tax reform, and the effect of a consumption tax on the interest rate.ContributorsDavid Bradford, David Cutler, Chris Edwards, Martin Feldstein, Leora Friedberg, William Gentry, Jerry Hausman, Caroline M. Hoxby, R. Glenn Hubbard, Jeffrey Liebman, Andrew Lyon, Peter Merrill, Mel Schwartz


  • Cost shifting or cost cutting? - the incidence of reductions in Medicare payments, david M. Cutler
  • taxation by telecommunications regulation, Jerry Hausman
  • tax incentives for higher education, Caroline M. Hoxby
  • the impact of the earned income tax credit on incentives and income distribution, Jeffrey B. Liebman
  • the social security earnings test and Labour supply of older men, Leora Friedberg
  • transition to and tax-rate flexibility in a cash-flow-type tax, David F. Bradford
  • would a consumption tax reduce interest rates? Martin Feldstein
  • fundamental tax reform and corporate financial policy, william M. Gentry, R. Glenn Hubbard
  • transitional issues in fundamental tax reform - a financial-accounting perspective, Melbert Schwarz et al.

v. 15 : pbk ISBN 9780262661225


This series publishes recent research on the economic effects of taxation and government expenditure programs, as well as studies of the distributional and incentive effects of current and proposed tax legislation. The research results are presented in a form that is accessible to tax practitioners and policymakers.


  • Mihir Desai and James Hines, Jr.
  • Using the Tax System for Export Promotion
  • Robert Carroll, Douglas Holz-Eakin, Mark Rider, and Harvey Rosen
  • Personal Income Taxes and the Growth of Small Firms
  • Andrew Mitrusi and James M. Poterba
  • The Changing Importance of Income and Payroll Taxes on U.S. Families
  • David Ellwood and Jeffrey Liebman
  • The Middle-Class Parent Penalty: Child Benefits in the U.S. Tax Code
  • Martin Feldstein and Elena Ranguelova
  • Annuity Collars: A Voluntary Market Approach to Reducing the Risk of Investment-Based Social Security Reform
  • Mark McClellan
  • A Primer on Budgetary Accounting Issues and Medicare Reform

v. 16 : pbk ISBN 9780262661294


This series publishes recent research on the economic effects of taxation and government expenditure programs, as well as studies of the distributional and incentive effects of current and proposed tax legislation. The research results are presented in a form that is accessible to tax practitioners and policymakers.

v. 17 : pbk ISBN 9780262661386


This NBER series presents current academic research in the areas of taxation and government spending. The papers included provide important background information for policy analysis without making specific policy recommendations.Volume 17 continues the series tradition of addressing topics that are relevant to current issues as well as longer-range concerns, with topics that include the fiscal implications of the No Child Left Behind Act, the 2001 Tax Rebate, and the tax burdens of multinational corporations.


  • Fiscal implications of school accountability initiatives, David N. Figlio
  • the benefits of the home mortgage interest deductions, Edward L. Glaeser, Jesse M. Shapiro
  • did the 2001 tax rebate stimulate spending? evidence from taxpayer surveys, Matthew D. Shapiro, Joel Slemrod
  • who gets paid to save?, Jagadeesh Gokhale, Laurence J. Kotlikoff
  • do US multinationals face different tax burdens than other companies?, Julie H. Collins, Douglas A. Shakelford
  • the divergence between book and tax income, Mihir A. Deai.

v. 13 : pbk ISBN 9780262661508


This series presents recent research on the effects of taxation and government expenditure programs on economic performance and analyses of the effects of potential tax reforms. The research results appear in a form that is accessible to tax practitioners and policymakers.


  • The returns on social security contributions for postwar Americans, Laurence Kotlikoff et al
  • tax rules and nonprofit institutions, James Hines
  • the lifetime incidence of medicare, Mark McClellan and Jonathan Skinner
  • distributional effects of social security reforms, Don Fullerton, Julia Coronado and Thomas Glass
  • tobacco taxes and public policy to discourage smoking, William Evans, Jeanne Ringel and Diana Strech.

v. 14 : pbk ISBN 9780262661645


This series presents recent research on the effects of taxation and government expenditure programs on economic performance and analyses of the effects of potential tax reforms. The research results appear in a form that is accessible to tax practitioners and policymakers.This series presents recent research on the effects of taxation and government expenditure programs on economic performance and analyses of the effects of potential tax reforms. The research results appear in a form that is accessible to tax practitioners and policymakers.


  • Taxation and the compensation of CEOs, Brian Hall
  • stock market reaction to Capital Gains Tax changes, Douglas Shackelford
  • bequests, Inter Vivos giving, and the Estate Tax, Kathleen McGarry
  • taxation and internet sales, Austan Goolsbee
  • generational accounting applied to immigration policy, Alan Auerbach
  • welfare reform in the 1990s - a first look at its effects, Anne Witte.

v. 18 : pbk ISBN 9780262661843


This NBER series presents current academic research in the areas of taxation and government spending. The papers included provide important background information for policy analysis without making specific policy recommendations.Volume 18 continues the series tradition of addressing issues that are relevant to current policy debates as well as to questions of longer-term interest, covering topics that include the tax treatment of assets saved for higher education expenses, the measurement of depreciation allowances, and the mortgage interest subsidy.

v. 19 : pbk ISBN 9780262661942


This NBER series presents current academic research findings in the areas of taxation and government spending. The papers included provide important background information for policy analysts in government and the private sector without making specific policy recommendations. The papers in Volume 19 address issues relevant to current policy debates as well as questions that are of longer-term interest. Topics include a comparison of federal, state, and local pre-kindergarten educational programs, the cost-effectiveness of different health insurance reform proposals, economic growth in countries with low marginal corporate income tax rates, the disparity between corporate income as reported to investors and as calculated for corporate tax liability, and the relationship between pyramidal structures and the taxation of intercorporate dividends.


  • The Structure of Early Care and Education in the United States: Historical Evolution and International Comparisons
  • Ann Dryden Witte and Marisol Trowbridge
  • Tax Policy for Health Insurance
  • Jonathan Gruber
  • Do Tax Havens Flourish?
  • James R. Hines Jr.
  • Book-Tax Conformity for Corporate Income: An Introduction to the Issues
  • Michelle Hanlon and Terry Shevlin
  • How to Eliminate Pyramidal Business Groups: The Double Taxation of Intercorporate Dividends and Other Incisive Uses of Tax Policy
  • Randall Morck.

v. 20 : pbk ISBN 9780262661980


This NBER series presents current academic research findings in the areas of taxation and government spending. The papers included provide important background information for policy analysts in government and the private sector without making specific policy recommendations. This twentieth anniversary volume addresses issues relevant to current policy debates as well as questions that are of longer-term interest. Topics include: the distribution of the corporate income tax burden; tax incentives for entrepreneurship; the effect of the Earned Income Tax Credit on labor supply; refund-splitting as a way to encourage saving by low-income households; the concentration of variable annuity ownership households in high tax brackets; and new evidence on the fiscal health of the federal government that takes the Medicare prescription drug benefit into account.

v. 21 : pbk ISBN 9780262662024


Recent academic research findings on topics relating to taxation and social insurance policy, including the implicit tax imposed by Medicaid on private long-term care insurance benefits, an alternative system of unemployment insurance, and federal energy tax policy. This NBER series presents current academic research findings in the areas of taxation and government spending. The papers included provide important background information for policy analysts in government and the private sector without making specific policy recommendations. This twenty-first installment in the series reports on recent research concerning both taxation and social insurance policy. The papers discuss Medicaid's implicit tax on the benefits of private long-term care insurance, an alternative to current unemployment insurance systems, the tax treatment of health insurance expenditures, the effective marginal tax rates on labor supply and saving, and the rationale for and effect of energy-related tax policies.

v. 1 : pbk ISBN 9780262691154


Tax policy debates, generated by one of the most sweeping reforms of the Federal income tax system since its inception, are certain to continue for years to come, providing a fertile field for economic research. This book is the first in a series of annual publications on tax policy and the economy initiated by the National Bureau of Economic Research and designed to convey research results in a way that is accessible to a wide body of lawyers, policymakers, and businesspeople involved in formulating tax policy. Volume 1 of Tax Policy and the Economy presents six studies of diverse tax policy issues, each bringing new data to bear on an important policy issue. Alan Auerbach and James Poterba examine the striking decline in corporate tax revenues as a share of GNP John Shoven describes new developments in corporate finance and tax avoidance, concluding that these devices have helped and will continue to help corporate shareholders escape the double taxation of dividends. Herman Leonard and Richard Zeckhauser review the experience of several states with tax amnesty programs and consider the likely effects of a Federal tax amnesty program. Jeffrey Harris explores the economic effects of tobacco taxation, particularly the effect the recent hike in the Federal excise tax on cigarettes had on prices and on the number of smokers. Douglas Bernheim suggests that the Federal estate tax could conceivably reduce Federal tax revenues. And in a concluding chapter, Michael Boskin and Douglas Puffert show that the redistributions between married workers and single workers in the Social Security system far outweigh the much discussed "marriage tax" effects of the individual income tax.

v. 2 : pbk ISBN 9780262691215


Tax policy debates, generated by one of the most sweeping reforms of the Federal income tax system since its inception, are certain to continue for years to come, providing a fertile field for economic research. This book is the second in a series of annual publications on tax policy and the economy initiated by the National Bureau of Economic Research and designed to convey research results in a way that is accessible to a wide body of lawyers, policymakers, and businesspeople involved in formulating tax policy.Studies in Volume 2 include Don Fullerton's reevaluation of traditional claims that investment incentives bias the tax system toward capital-intensive industries; Laurence Lindsey's further results on the sensitivity of tax revenues to reductions in the top marginal tax rate; Lawrence Kotlikoff's assessment of the impact of tax reform on the pension system; and Douglas Bernheim's examination of international evidence on the impact of budget deficits on trade deficits. Volume 2 also includes research by Roger Gordon and James Hines evaluating the impact of tax reform legislation on the investment decisions of multinational corporations.Lawrence H. Summers is Professor of Economics at Harvard University and Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research.

v. 4 : pbk ISBN 9780262691406


The Tax Policy and Economy series presents new research bearing on the effects of taxation on economic performance and analyzing the effects of potential tax reforms. Research results are, presented in a timely and accessible fashion. Volume 4 includes contributions by Glenn Hubbard, Lawrence Goulder, Lawrence Summers, Daniel Feenberg, and Eytan Sheshinski.

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  • 出版地
    [New York],Cambridge, Mass.
  • ページ数/冊数
  • 大きさ
    23-24 cm
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