A critical and exegetical commentary on Jeremiah


A critical and exegetical commentary on Jeremiah

by William McKane

(The international critical commentary)

T. & T. Clark, c1986-1996

  • vol. 1
  • vol. 2

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 30



  • Vol. 1. Introduction and commentary on Jeremiah I - XXV
  • Vol. 2. Commentary on Jeremiah XXVI-LII



vol. 1 ISBN 9780567050427


This volume completes the monumental work on the prophet Jeremiah by one of the world's most widely recognized scholars of the Old Testament. Unequalled in scope and detail, these volumes draw on textual and linguistic interpretation of the Hebrew Bible and its versions as well as on the work of later commentaries and scholars. The completion of this work is a landmark event in Old Testament scholarship, and will provide a rich source of information for students and researchers for many years to come.

vol. 2 ISBN 9780567097323


Praise for Jeremiah: "...this is the commentary to purchase, cherish and meditate upon day and night... I feel that McKane is due a standing ovation from all the other players currently operating in Jeremiah Studies for his most accomplished achivement... This is the Jeremiah commentary for ages to come." --Journal of Theological Studies

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