Scripts, plans, goals, and understanding : an inquiry into human knowledge structures


Scripts, plans, goals, and understanding : an inquiry into human knowledge structures

Roger C. Schank, Robert P. Abelson

(The Artificial intelligence series)

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates , distributed by the Halsted Press Division of John Wiley and Sons, 1977

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 98



Includes bibliography (p. 239-244) and indexes of authors and subjects (p. 244-248)



First Published in 1977. In the summer of 1971, there was a workshop in an ill-defined field at the intersection of psychology, artificial intelligence, and linguistics. The fifteen participants were in various ways interested in the representation of large systems of knowledge (or beliefs) based upon an understanding process operating upon information expressed in natural language. This book reflects a convergence of interests at the intersection of psychology and artificial intelligence. What is the nature of knowledge and how is this knowledge used? These questions lie at the core of both psychology and artificial intelligence.


Contents: Introduction. Causal Chains. Scripts. Plans. Goals. Themes. Representation of Stories. Computer Programs. A Case Study in the Development of Knowledge Structures.

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