Entity-relationship approach to database design and querying : proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Entity-Relationship Approach, Toronto, Canada, 18-20 October 1989


Entity-relationship approach to database design and querying : proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Entity-Relationship Approach, Toronto, Canada, 18-20 October 1989

edited by Frederick H. Lochovsky

North-Holland , Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co., 1990

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



Includes bibliographical references and index



Twenty-three high quality papers were solicited for this book, dealing with both the principles and pragmatics of using the entity-relationship approach in research and business. Two broad topics are covered: database design and database querying. The book reflects the trends in recent years of extending the modeling power of the ER model and of incorporating knowledge-based techniques into design tools for - and implementations of - ER-based systems.


Perspective and Future Directions. The Leading Edge of Database Technology (W. Kent). Some Findings on the Intuitiveness of ER Constructs (R.C. Goldstein, V.C. Storey). Extending the ER Data Model. A Proposal for Formalizing and Extending the Generalization and Subset Abstractions in the ER Model (L. Tucherman et al.). The Nested ER Model - A Pragmatic Approach to ER Comprehension and Design Layout (C.R. Carlson, W. Ji, A.K. Arora). Valences: A New Relationship Concept for the ER Model (P. Baumann). Database Design. Name Assignment Techniques for Relational Schemas Representing Extended ER Structures (V.M. Markowitz, A. Shoshani). Modeling Semantics with Concept Abstraction in the EARL Data Model (J.P. Davis, R.D. Bonnell). Synergistic Database Design with an Extended ER Model (D.W. Embley, T.W. Ling). E 2 R Model and Object-Oriented Representation for Data Management, Process Modeling, and Decision Support (R. Lazimy). Database Design Tools. The ER Editor: An Editor for Database Conceptual Schema Design Based on the ER Model (S. Nishiyama, S. Obana). Interactive Specification and Integration of User Views Using Forms (J. Diet, F.H. Lochovsky). Database Design Tools: Combining Theory, Guesswork, and User Interaction (A. Rosenthal, D. Reiner). Expert Database Design Tools. An Expert System for Conceptual Data Modelling (B. Tauzovich). A Rule-Based System Tool for Automated ER Model Clustering (S. Huffman, R. Zoeller). Knowledge-Based Systems. Modeling with KRISYS: The Design Process of DB Applications Reviewed (N.M. Mattos, M. Michels). KORTEX: An Expert Database System Shell for A Knowledge-Based ER Model (L. Kerschberg, R. Baum, J. Hung). Schema and Query Translation. A Method for Translating Relational Schemas into Conceptual Schemas (P. Johannesson, K. Kalman). An Integrity System for a Relational Database Architecture (A. Dogac, E.A. Ozkarahan, P.P. Chen). Automatic Transformation of an ER Query Language into SQL (U. Hohenstein). Query Languages. Abbreviated Query Interpretation in Extended ER Oriented Databases (V.M. Markowitz, A. Shoshani). Building Natural Language Interface to an ER Database (W.S. Luk). An ER Calculus for the ER Complex Model (C. Parent et al.). Graphical Query and Design Interfaces. Schema Independent Query Formulation (M. Kracker, E.J. Neuhold). A Graphical Query Language Based on an Extended ER Model (M. Schneider, C. Trepied). Ergonomic Schema Design and Browsing with More Semantics in the Pasta-3 Interface for ER DBMSs (M. Kuntz, R. Melchert).

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