Complex analysis in partial differential equations and mathematical physics


Complex analysis in partial differential equations and mathematical physics

G.M. Khenkin (ed.)

(Encyclopaedia of mathematical sciences / editor-in-chief, R.V. Gamkrelidze, v. 54 . Several complex variables ; 5)

Springer-Verlag, c1993

  • : gw
  • : us
  • : softcover


Komplelsnyj analiz-mnogie peremennye

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 120



Translation of: Kompleksnyĭ analiz-mnogie peremennye 5

Includes bibliographical references and indexes



: gw ISBN 9783540544517


This volume of the Encyclopaedia contains threecontributions in the field of complex analysis. The topicstreated are mean periodicity and convolutionequations, Yang-Mills fields and the Radon-Penrose transform, andstringtheory. The latter two have strong links with quantumfield theory and the theory of general relativity. In fact, the mathematical results described inthe book arose fromthe need of physicists to find a sound mathematical basisfor their theories. The authors present their material inthe formof surveys which provide up-to-date accounts ofcurrent research. The book will be immensely useful to graduate students andresearchers in complex analysis, differential geometry, quantum field theory, string theoryand general relativity.

: softcover ISBN 9783642634338


This volume of the Encyclopaedia contains three contributions in the field of complex analysis; on mean periodicity and convolutionequations, Yang-Mills fields and the Radon-Penrose transform, and stringtheory. It is immensely useful to graduate students and researchers in complex analysis, differential geometry, quantum field theory, string theory and general relativity.


I. Complex Analysis and Convolution Equations.- II. The Yang-Mills Fields, the Radon-Penrose Transform and the Cauchy-Riemann Equations.- III. Complex Geometry and String Theory.- Author Index.

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