Bibliographic Information

Around Grothendieck's esquisse d'un programme

edited by Leila Schneps and Pierre Lochak

(London Mathematical Society lecture note series, 242 . Geometric Galois actions ; 1)

Cambridge University Press, 1997

  • : pbk

Other Title

Sketch of a program

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"Contains ... unpublished manuscript Esquisse d'un programme (Sketch of a program) by Alexandre Grothendieck"--Back cover

Includes bibliographical references

Text in English; with contributions in French and German

Description and Table of Contents


The first of two companion volumes on anabelian algebraic geometry, this book contains the famous, but hitherto unpublished manuscript 'Esquisse d'un Programme' (Sketch of a Program) by Alexander Grothendieck. This work, written in 1984, fourteen years after his retirement from public life in mathematics, together with the closely connected letter to Gerd Faltings, dating from 1983 and also published for the first time in this volume, describe a powerful program of future mathematics, unifying aspects of geometry and arithmetic via the central point of moduli spaces of curves; it is written in an artistic and informal style. The book also contains several articles on subjects directly related to the ideas explored in the manuscripts; these are surveys of mathematics due to Grothendieck, explanations of points raised in the Esquisse, and surveys on progress in the domains described there.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Esquisse d'un programme A. Grothendieck
  • 2. Letter to Faltings A. Grothendieck
  • 3. The Algebraic fundamental group F. Oort
  • 4. Grothendieck's 'Long March through Galois Theory' L. Schneps
  • 5. Survey of the anabelian conjecture F. Pop
  • 6. Etale homotopy type of the moduli spaces of algebraic curves T. Oda
  • 7. Tame topology B. Teissier
  • 8. The obvious part of Belyi's theorem and Riemann surfaces with many automorphisms J. Wolfart
  • 9. Singularities of moduli spaces, Galois cartography and finite projective geometry V. Adrianov and G. Shabat
  • 10. 1 of moduli spaces at infinity P. Lochak
  • 11. Galois actions on higher genus mapping class groups H. Nakamura
  • 12. On GT L. Schneps
  • 13. On the GT action on covers D. Harbater and L. Schneps
  • 14. Two letters on non-abelian cohomology J.-P. Serre.

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