Mixed Hodge structures and singularities


    • Kulikov, Valentine S.


Mixed Hodge structures and singularities

Valentine S. Kulikov

(Cambridge tracts in mathematics, 132)

Cambridge University Press, 1998

  • : Hardback

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 59



Includes bibliographical references and index



This 1998 book is both an introduction to, and a survey of, some topics of singularity theory; in particular the studying of singularities by means of differential forms. Here some ideas and notions that arose in global algebraic geometry, namely mixed Hodge structures and the theory of period maps, are developed in the local situation to study the case of isolated singularities of holomorphic functions. The author introduces the Gauss-Manin connection on the vanishing cohomology of a singularity, that is on the cohomology fibration associated to the Milnor fibration, and draws on the work of Brieskorn and Steenbrink to calculate this connection, and the limit mixed Hodge structure. This will be an excellent resource for all researchers whose interests lie in singularity theory, and algebraic or differential geometry.


  • 1. Gauss-Manin connection
  • 2. Limit mixed Hodge structure on the vanishing cohomology of an isolated hypersurface singularity
  • 3. The period map of a m-constant deformation of an isolated hypersurface singularity associated to Brieskorn lattices and mixed Hodge structures.

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