Elliptic genera and vertex operator super-algebras


Elliptic genera and vertex operator super-algebras

Hirotaka Tamanoi

(Lecture notes in mathematics, 1704)

Springer-Verlag, c1999

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 81



Includes bibliographical references (p. [379]-382) and indexes



This monograph deals with two aspects of the theory of elliptic genus: its topological aspect involving elliptic functions, and its representation theoretic aspect involving vertex operator super-algebras. For the second aspect, elliptic genera are shown to have the structure of modules over certain vertex operator super-algebras. The vertex operators corresponding to parallel tensor fields on closed Riemannian Spin Kahler manifolds such as Riemannian tensors and Kahler forms are shown to give rise to Virasoro algebras and affine Lie algebras. This monograph is chiefly intended for topologists and it includes accounts on topics outside of topology such as vertex operator algebras.


and summary of results.- Elliptic genera.- Vertex operator super algebras.- G-invariant vertex operator super subalgebras.- Geometric structure in vector spaces and reduction of structure groups on manifolds.- Infinite dimensional symmetries in elliptic genera for Kahler manifolds.

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