Dynamical systems, ergodic theory and applications


Dynamical systems, ergodic theory and applications

L.A. Bunimovich ... [et al.] ; edited by Ya.G. Sinai

(Encyclopaedia of mathematical sciences / editor-in-chief, R.V. Gamkrelidze, v. 100 . Mathematical physics ; 1)

Springer-Verlag, c2000

2nd, expanded and rev. ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 103



1st ed. of this book: Encyclopaedia of mathematical sciences v. 2 . Dynamical systems ; 2

Includes bibliographical references and index



This EMS volume, the first edition of which was published as Dynamical Systems II, EMS 2, familiarizes the reader with the fundamental ideas and results of modern ergodic theory and its applications to dynamical systems and statistical mechanics. The enlarged and revised second edition adds two new contributions on ergodic theory of flows on homogeneous manifolds and on methods of algebraic geometry in the theory of interval exchange transformations.


I. General Ergodic Theory of Groups of Measure Preserving Transformations (contributions by I.P.Kornfeld, Ya.G.Sinai, and A.M.Vershik).- II. Ergodic Theory of Smooth Dynamical Systems (contributions by L.A.Bunimovich, M.V.Jakobson, Y.B.Pesin, and Ya.G.Sinai).- III. Dynamical Systems on Homogeneous Spaces (by S.G.Dani).- IV. The Dynamics of Billiard Flows in Rational Polygons (by J.Smillie).- V. Dynamical Systems of Statistical Mechanics and Kinetic Equations (contributions by R.L.Dobrushin, N.B.Maslova, Ya.G.Sinai, and Yu.M.Sukhov).- References.- Subject Index

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