Non-commutative localization in algebra and topology
Non-commutative localization in algebra and topology
(London Mathematical Society lecture note series, 330)
Cambridge University Press, 2006
- : pbk
- タイトル別名
Noncommutative localization in algebra and topology
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全45件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
"The volume is the proceedings of a workshop on 'Noncommutative localization in algebra and topology' held at the International Centre for the Mathematical Sciences in Edinburgh on April 29 and 30, 2002, with 25 participants."--Pref
Includes bibliographical references and index
Noncommutative localization is a powerful algebraic technique for constructing new rings by inverting elements, matrices and more generally morphisms of modules. Originally conceived by algebraists (notably P. M. Cohn), it is now an important tool not only in pure algebra but also in the topology of non-simply-connected spaces, algebraic geometry and noncommutative geometry. This volume consists of 9 articles on noncommutative localization in algebra and topology by J. A. Beachy, P. M. Cohn, W. G. Dwyer, P. A. Linnell, A. Neeman, A. A. Ranicki, H. Reich, D. Sheiham and Z. Skoda. The articles include basic definitions, surveys, historical background and applications, as well as presenting new results. The book is an introduction to the subject, an account of the state of the art, and also provides many references for further material. It is suitable for graduate students and more advanced researchers in both algebra and topology.
- Dedication
- Preface
- Historical perspective
- Conference participants
- Conference photo
- Conference timetable
- 1. On flatness and the Ore condition J. A. Beachy
- 2. Localization in general rings, a historical survey P. M. Cohn
- 3. Noncommutative localization in homotopy theory W. G. Dwyer
- 4. Noncommutative localization in group rings P. A. Linnell
- 5. A non-commutative generalisation of Thomason's localisation theorem A. Neeman
- 6. Noncommutative localization in topology A. A. Ranicki
- 7. L2-Betti numbers, isomorphism conjectures and noncommutative localization H. Reich
- 8. Invariants of boundary link cobordism II. The Blanchfield-Duval form D. Sheiham
- 9. Noncommutative localization in noncommutative geometry Z. Skoda.
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