Handbook of cognitive-behavior group therapy with children and adolescents : specific settings and presenting problems
Handbook of cognitive-behavior group therapy with children and adolescents : specific settings and presenting problems
Routledge, c2007
- : hard
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全14件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
This Handbook offers a much-needed resource of theoretical knowledge, evidence-based interventions, and practical guidelines for professionals providing group psychotherapy to youth clients.
Written by leading professionals in the field of child and adolescent cognitive-behavioral therapy, this comprehensive volume offers readers a collection of innovative and well established approaches for group interventions with youth in a variety of treatment settings.
It addresses a wide range of issues, not limited to assessment, group member selection, and specific protocols and strategies that readers can implement in their own practice. Integrating theoretical and practical aspects, leading experts offer their experience through case examples and vignettes, suggesting guidelines for overcoming inherent treatment obstacles.
This Handbook provides not only a framework for delivering effective group therapy, but also highlights specific problem areas, and it is an invaluable reference for professionals providing therapeutic intervention to children and adolescents.
Part I: Group Therapy Essentials. Stewart, Christner, An Introduction to Cognitive-Behavior Group Therapy with Youth. Freeman, History of Group Therapy with Youth. Stone, CBT Group Treatment with Children and Adolescents: What Makes for Effective Group Therapy? Hill, Coulson-Brown, Developmental Considerations for Group Therapy with Youth. Knauss, Legal and Ethical Issues in Providing Group Therapy to Minors. Part II: Specific Settings. Smallwood, Brill, Christner, Cognitive-Behavior Group Therapy in Schools. Vernon, Application of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy to Groups Within Classrooms and Educational Settings. Friedberg, Group Cognitive-Behavior Therapy in Outpatient Settings. Stone, Cognitive-Behavior Therapy Groups in Inpatient Settings. Summers, Cognitive-Behavior Group Therapy in Residential Treatment. Stewart, Esposito, CBT Groups in Medical Settings. Part III: Presenting Problems. Flannery-Schroeder, Sieberg, Gosch, Cognitive-Behavior Group Treatment for Anxiety Disorders. Jones, Stewart, Group Cognitive-Behavior Therapy to Address Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children and Adolescents. Schaefer, Ginsburg-Block, Helping Children and Adolescents Coping With Divorce. Stewart, Sharp, A Cognitive-Behavioral Group Approach to Grief and Loss. Johnson, Young, Cognitive-Behavioral Group Treatment for Child Sexual Abuse. Christner, Walker, Mediating Depression in Youth: A Cognitive-Behavior Group Therapy Approach. Braswell, Meeting the Treatment Needs of Children with ADHD: Can Cognitive Strategies Make a Contribution? Lochman, Powell, Boxmeyer, Deming, Young, Cognitive-Behavior Group Therapy for Angry and Aggressive Youth. Chernicoff , Fazelbhoy, Cognitive-Behavioral Groups for Substance Abusing Adolescents. Jones, Cognitive-Behavioral Groups for Self-injurious Behavior. Livanis, Solomon, Ingram, Guided Social Stories: Group Treatment of Adolescents with Asperger's Disorder in the Schools. Simmerman, Christner, Cognitive-Behavior Group Therapy with Children who are Ostracized or Socially Isolated. Barakat, Gonzalez, Weinberger, Using Cognitive-Behavior Group Therapy with Chronic Medical Illness. Bloomgarden, Mennuti, Conti, Weller, A Relational-cultural, Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to Treating Female Adolescent Eating Disorders. Oster, A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to Parent Education Groups. Erdlen, Jr. , Rickrode, Social Skills Groups With Youth: A Cognitive-Behavioral Perspective. Part IV: Conclusions and Future Directions. Stewart, Christner, Future Directions in Cognitive-Behavior Group Therapy: From Research to Practice.
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