電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. A
Bibliographic Information
電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界 = The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. A
電子情報通信学会, -2014
- Vol. 70, no. 1 (Jan. 1987)-v. J97-A, no. 3 (Mar. 2014)
- Other Title
信学論 (A)
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronincs, communications and computer sciences (Japanese edition)
IEICE trans. fundamentals (Japanese edition)
- Title Transcription
デンシ ジョウホウ ツウシン ガッカイ ロンブンシ. A, キソ・キョウカイ
Available at / 265 libraries
Ibaraki University Library, Hitachi Branch分1987-2009P540:36
78(1-6), 79(3-12), 80-83, 84(1-4, 6-12), 85-91, 92(1-3) -
熊本高等専門学校 熊本キャンパス 図書館1987-2010
71(1, 3-12), 72-74, 75(1, 3-12), 76-77, 78(1-8, 10-12), 79(1, 3-12), 80-81, 82(1-9, 11-12), 83-85, 86(1, 3-12), 87-92, 93(1-3, 5-12), 94 -
Prefectural University of Hiroshima Library and Academic Information Center1987-2009
90(1-4), 91(4-12), 92(1-3) -
Saitama University Library図1987-2009DENSIZYOHOTUSINGAKKAIRONBUNSI.A
78(1-4, 6-12), 79-91, 92(1-3) -
創価大学 フレイザー図書館 (理工学部分館)分館1987-2014T54/D-8
10, 12), 71, 72(1-2), 75(1-2), 81(12), 82-94, 95(1-3, 6-12), 96, 97(1-3) OPAC
University of Tsukuba Library, Library on Library and Information Science1987-2014和 テ
97(1-3) -
Etchujima library, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology図1987-2005P 549||De 4
77(1-3, 5-12), 78(2), 79(6), 81(3, 5, 6, 8), 82(1, 3-11), 83(2, 5-12), 84, 85(1, 2, 4-9, 11), 86(2-9), 87(11, 12), 88(2-6, 8) -
Digital Library of Nara Institute of Science and Technology1987-2009
72(1-9, 11-12), 73-78, 79(1-3), 90(4-12), 91, 92(1-3) -
日本大学 生産工学部図書館図1987-2009D:5:2
73(1-5, 7-12), 74(1-4, 6-12), 75-76, 77(1-4), 78(4-12), 79-91, 92(1-3) -
Nihon Fukushi University Affiliated Library1994-1998
78(1, 4, 6, 9-10, 12), 79(5, 9-10, 12), 80(2, 4-5, 7-12), 81 -
Hiroshima Shudo University Library1986-2006Z000/DEN-003
72(4-12), 73-74, 75(1-10, 12), 76-88, 89(1-3) -
福井大学 附属図書館1987-2009
73(1, 3-12), 74-75, 76(1, 3-11), 77(1-2, 5-6, 8-10, 12), 78(1-3, 5-12), 79, 80(1-3, 5-8, 10-12), 81-92 -
Hokkaido University, Faculty and Graduate School of Engineering情報図書1987-2014
71(1-9, 11-12), 72-97 -
北海道情報大学 図書館1992-2014
79(1, 3-12), 80-81, 82(1-3, 6, 11), 83(8-9, 11-12), 84(1-8), 85(7-12), 86-96, 97(1-3) OPAC
University of Miyazaki Library/ Library Director:Ikari Tetsuo図1987-2008
77(1-3), 82(4-11), 83-91 -
University of Miyazaki Library/ Library Director:Ikari Tetsuo工1995-2008
79(1-5, 7-12), 81-85, 86(1-3), 88(4-12), 89-91 -
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並列タイトル変更: The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. A→The IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronincs, communications and computer sciences (Japanese edition) (-Vol. J97-A, no. 3 (Mar. 2014))
奥付タイトル: IEICE trans. fundamentals (Japanese edition) (Vol. J97-A, no. 3 (Mar. 2014))
発行機関変更: 電子情報通信学会→電子情報通信学会基礎・境界ソサイエティ (-Vol. J97-A, no. 3 (Mar. 2014))
Vol. J97-A, no. 3 (Mar. 2014)に555号とあり