Husserl's "introductions to phenomenology" : interpretation and critique


Husserl's "introductions to phenomenology" : interpretation and critique

William R. McKenna

(Phaenomenologica, 89)

M. Nijhoff , Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Boston, 1982

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 63



Bibliography: p. 229-233

Includes index



There is a remarkable unity to the work of Edmund Husserl, but there are also many difficulties in it. The unity is the result of a single personal and philo sophical quest working itself out in concrete phenomenological analyses; the difficulties are due to the inadequacy of initial conceptions which becomes felt as those analyses become progressively deeper and more extensive. ! Anyone who has followed the course of Husserl's work is struck by the constant reemergence of the same problems and by the insightfulness of the inquiries which press toward their solution. However one also becomes aware of Husserl's own dissatisfaction with his work, once so movingly expressed in a 2 personal note. It is the purpose of the present work to examine and revive one of the issues which gave Husserl difficulty, namely, the problem of an intro duction to phenomenology. Several of Husserl's writings published after Logical Investigations were either subtitled or referred to by him as "introductions to phenomenology. "3 These works serve to acquaint the reader with the specific character of Husserl's transcendental phenomenology and with the problems to which it is to provide the solution. They include discussions and analyses which pertain to what has come to be known as "ways" into transcendental phenomenology. 4 The issue here is the proper access to transcendental phenomenology.


1. Introduction.- 2. Husserl's Thesis that Consciousness Is World-Constitutive and Its Demonstration.- A. Husserl's Thesis.- B. The Idea of a Demonstration of the Thesis.- 3. The Motivating Problem.- 4. Acquiring the Idea of Pure Transcendental Consciousness.- A. The Thesis of the Natural Attitude.- 1. The Thesis as Belief.- 2. The Correlate of the Thesis.- B. The Psychological Investigation of Consciousness and the Argument that Consciousness Constitutes the World.- 1. Husserl's Argument.- 2. The Inadequacy of Perception.- 3. The Possibility of Illusion and the Coherence-Thesis.- a. The "Empirical" Interpretation of the Coherence-Thesis.- b. The Insufficiency of the "Empirical" Interpretation.- c. The "Transcendental" Interpretation.- 5. The Entry into the Transcendental Realm.- A. The Phenomenological Epoche and Reduction.- B. Constitution and Constitutive Analysis.- C. Summary.- 6. Transcendental Illusion.- A. The Meaning of "Transcendental Illusion".- B. Realism and Idealism in Husserl's Philosophy.- C. Husserl's Demonstration of the Existence of the Possibility of Transcendental Illusion.- 7. Conclusion: Toward a New Introduction to Phenomenology.

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