Handbook of indigenous fermented foods


Handbook of indigenous fermented foods

edited by Keith H. Steinkraus

(Food science and technology / editors, Steven R. Tannenbaum, Pieter Walstra, 73)

Marcel Dekker, c1996

2nd ed., rev. and expanded

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



Includes index



This work offers comprehensive, authoritative coverage of current information on indigenous fermented foods of the world, classifying fermentation according to type. This edition provides both new and expanded data on the antiquity and role of fermented foods in human life, fermentations involving an alkaline reaction, tempe and meat substitutes, amazake and kombucha, and more.;College or university bookstores may order five or more copies at a special student price which is available on request from Marcel Dekker, Inc.


  • Introduction to indigenous fermented foods: Indonesian temple and related fermentations - protein-rich vegetarian meat substitutes
  • indigenous fermented foods involving an acid fermentation - preserving and enhancing organoleptic and nutritional qualities of fresh foods
  • indigenous fermented foods involving an alkaline fermentation
  • indigenous fermented foods in which ethanol is a major product - type and nutritional significance of primitive wines and beers and related alcoholic foods
  • indigenus amino acid/peptide sauces and pastes with meat-like flavours - Chinese soy sauce, Japanese shoyu, Japanese miso
  • Southeast Asian fish sauces and pastes, and related fermented foods
  • mushrooms - providing single cell (microbial) protein on lignocellulosic or other food and agricultural wastes.

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