Levison, Jay
[ピアノ編曲, 秋山さやか[ほか]]
ヤマハミュージックメディア 2010.5
楽譜(印刷) (スコア)
music by Jay Livingston, Henry Mancini ; arranged by 久木山直 . music by ホルスト ; arranged by 名取太郎
[ショパン] 2008 Chopin's collection
楽譜(印刷) (いずれでもないもの)
Bill Evans
Verve Records c2005
録音資料(音楽) (CD)
Polydor c2002
Roy Haynes
Dreyfus Jazz , Videoarts Music [distributor] 1997, c1992
Henry Mancini
RCA , BMG Japan [distributor] 1997, p1996
Omagatoki 1997 , p1997
Ryusei Matsuzaki and his old hickory
Nippon Crown p1997
Denon , 日本コロムビア (発売) 1996, p1996
BMG Victor 1996, p1996
Mari Nakamoto with Reggie Workman Trio
JVC , Manufactured and distributed by Victor Entertainment 1995, c1995
Venus Records c1995
Freddy Cole
Alfa Jazz , distributed by Toshiba-EMI p1994
Verve , Polydor [distributor] 1993, p1993
Alfa Jazz , Alfa Records [distributor] c1992
Warner Bros. p1991, c1991
[compiled & edited by Keith Snell]
CPP/Belwin c1990
The Ray Brown Trio
Concord Jazz , Distributed by King Record 1990, c1990
Pacific Jazz , Toshiba-EMI [distributor] p1990
editors: David C. Olsen and Tom Roed ; transcriptions by Pascal Wetzel
Alfred c1989-
[v. 1] , v. 2 楽譜(印刷) (いずれでもないもの)