The earlier Tudors, 1485-1558


The earlier Tudors, 1485-1558

by J.D. Mackie

(The Oxford history of England / edited by Sir George Clark, 7)

Clarendon Press, 1952

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 167



Reprinted with corrections 1957, 1962

Bibliography: p. [609]-644

Includes index



This classic volume in the renowned Oxford History of England series examines the birth of a nation-state from the death throes of the Middle Ages in North-West Europe. John D. Mackie describes the establishment of a stable monarchy by the very competent Henry VII, examines the means employed by him, and considers how far his monarchy can be described as "new." He also discusses the machinery by which the royal power was exercised and traces the effect of the concentration of lay and eccleciastical authority in the person of Wolsey, whose soaring ambition helped make possible the Caesaro-Papalism of Henry VIII.

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