The classroom and the language learner : ethnography and second-language classroom research


The classroom and the language learner : ethnography and second-language classroom research

Leo van Lier

(Applied linguistics and language study / general editor, C.N. Candlin)

Longman, 1988

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 142



Bibliography: p. [245]-257

Includes index



This volume looks at classroom research in the second or foreign language classroom. The author notes that little is known about what happens in language lessons and how they may contribute to second language acquisition. He stresses the need to study classroom interaction in its social context and proposes an ethnographic approach to the subject, one which benefits the teachers doing action research and researchers investigating learning processes.


1. The second-language classroom in context 2. The aims of second-language classroom research 3. The methods of classroom research 4. The subject matter of second-language classroom research 5. In and out of turn - interaction in the second-language classroom 6. Topic and activity - the structure of participation 7. The organization of repair in second-language classrooms 8. Connections

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