The Japanese journal of physiology
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The Japanese journal of physiology
[Physiological Society of Japan], 1950-2006
- Vol. 1 (June 1950/Mar. 1951)-v. 55, no. 6 (Dec. 2005)
- Other Title
Jpn. j. physiol
Japanese journal of physiology
Available at / 169 libraries
九州歯科大学 附属図書館図1950-2002
2, 3(4), 4(1-2, 4), 5(1-3), 6(3-4), 7(1-2, 4), 8, 9(1), 14(1-3, 5-6), 15(1-5), 16, 17(2-6), 18-32, 33(2-6), 34-50, 51(1-4, 6), 52(1-2) OPAC
Kumamoto Health Science University Library1975-2005
27(4-6), 28-30, 31(1, 3), 32-35, 36(4-6), 37-39, 42-43, 45-47, 48(5-6), 49-51, 52(2-6), 53(1-2, 4-6), 54(1-2), 55(1, 3-6) -
National Institutes of Natural Sciences Okazaki Library and Information Center図1950-2005
44(1-2, 4, 6), 45-55 -
信州大学 附属図書館 医学部図書館1950-2005
7(3), 8-9, 10(2-6), 11(1-2, 5-6), 12, 13(6), 14(1, 5), 15(3), 16(2-6), 17(1), 18(3), 19-33, 46-55 -
東北文化学園大学 総合情報センター 図書館1971-2005
4), 22-36, 37(1-5), 38(2-4, 6), 39(1, 3-4, 6), 40, 41(2-6), 55(1-3, 6) -
University of Toyama Library, Medical and Pharmaceutical Library図1990-2003
43(), 44(), 45(), 46(), 47-48, 52-53 -
The Library, Niigata University of Health and Welfare1960-2004
11(6), 25, 26(1-2, 4-6), 27-49, 50(1-3) -
University of Yamanashi Library, Medical Branch図1955-1998QT
8-12, 20(1-4), 22-24, 25(1-5), 26-30, 31(1-4, 6), 32(1-3), 35-48 -
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"Edited for the Physiological Society of Japan by Yas Kuno."; v. 1-20, edited by Yas Kuno
"The Japanese journal of medical science, part III, Biophysics was founded by the National Research Council of Japan in 1930 and continued ... until 1945 when it ran up into the tenth volume. ... The Physiological Society of Japan has, therefore, decided to issue the present Journal to succeed to the above ..." -- Editorial note
Publisher varies: University of Tokyo Press, 1971-1977; Center for Academic Publications Japan, 1978-